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Whoa thanks doc


Frieza's embassador is not a canon character.


Bejita tanked that btw




Silly goose, Bejita is Frieza's ambassador. The crown on the serpentine like creature shows that he is the one with the pink dialogue. As you see, Bejita is already an adult, that means he was likely still under servitude to Frieza. The following text about war being declared about rape also implies that the Frieza Force went after whatever those Serpentine rapist people were for raping Bejita. The pink text also talks about "being good friends" and showing that to "my people", the people are probably the serpentine creatures the serpentine creature with the crown is talking about.


It's jobbed.


Thanks Doc.


Go up Gem


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Bejita surpassed Goku again thanks to this new training regimen.



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Me on the top


thanks doc


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>Bejita surpassed Goku again thanks to this new training regimen.
I wish they had this at my gym, shit now I feel ripped off.


Where can I buy one of these?


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i got a boner


It's okay, bejitabro


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>i got a boner


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Only a liar wouldn't get it

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