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favorite simpsons episode?


The one where Homer falls into 9ther dimension behind the shelf. And the one where he drinks TPP MUCH and Marge is angry at him


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I have only seen the ones that 'ritic put on his list, and I agree with him.


The one where Homer begins challenging everyone around him to duels after seeing it happen in a film. Most people back down, until Homer meets an old-fashioned Colonel who takes him up on his dare. Unable to get out of the contest with the Colonel, Homer and his family flee to the country, where they become farmers. Farm life is difficult until Homer creates a new crop called Tomacco."


The Halloween spiecal with The Shining, Time Travel Hijinx, and Cannibalism


That's one of my favorites too. I especially like the farmers at the feed and seed store. I forget what it's called.

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