>>37139Buck Breaking Cock fuck niggers not asians
>>37149BWC means "barely a womans clitty" btw
>>37152For Rika too, but mostly for real BWC.
mion futa cum
Jesus what a horrible thread I hope it gets deleted
Satan what an amazing thread I hope it gets restored
Science what a neutral thread I calculate it continues its existence
>>38288Only melanated rods can satisfy him
>>38504 here, I meant BWC colored melanin
Jesus what a wonderful thread I hope it gets pinned
>>38512BAC big albino cock
>>38521Snow (BWC) bunny (BWC breeder)
>>38521Boypussy built to store black babies.
>>38525Don't call turds "black babies".
>>38099BWC pounding is needed
>>38099give this girl a [BBC]
>>38696I can't give her a Buck Breaking Cock if she is not a buck, but I'm sure she'll gladly accept dat BWC doe
>>38699Nobody wants beta white cuck clitties, that bussy needs big black cock
>>38700>Nobody wants beta whiteNobody wants things that don't exist
>clitties>bussyBelong to BWC BVLLS
>big>blackImaginary tbp oxymoron
>>38709>Nobody wants beta whiteOf course, nobody wants beta white sissies
>clittieswhite peckers are that tiny might as well call it that
>bussytwps submit that to BBC once they figure out no female wants them
>big>blackSo much this
>>38720Common BNWO attire
>>38722>Of course, nobody wants beta whiteNo one likes oxymoron
>white peckers12 inches or more
>clitties>so tinytbps
>tiny wakandan peckers submit that to Buck Breaking Cocks once they figure out no female wants themTsmt
>>38742That's a BWC slut attire not a Big Nordic White Obelisk attire
>>38755>No one likes oxymoronIt’s not an oxymoron though
>12 inches or moreYou accidentally put a 2 next to the 1
>tbpsTremendous black poles
>Tsmt>BWCBitty white clitty
>tbpTremendous black pole
>>38772>>38755Samefag schizo obsessed with cocks, kys
>>38772>>38755diffrentstraight mentally healthy mildy interested in cunts, lys
>>38772>It’s not an oxymoron thoughtbp
>tremendous tbpTremendously tiny black poles
>Bitty white clittyBelongs to Rika, le BWC girl
>>38720Rubbing the BWC all over
>>39001=welfare checks, tbp, restric orders
BBC attracting pheromones
BWC attracting pheromones