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the undisputable kings of anime
>try to disagree
you just can't


Trash, good but overrated by newfags, good slide show


Treasure, bad underrated by oldheteros, bad animated show


bro tried sneaking in midvangelion ???


Good and well-made however somewhat poorly paced at times
I kinda connected to it (as edgy as that sounds) and like it cuz of that but it has problems with pacing
Never seen. Will watch soon doe


gem between the coal


>poor pacing
never heard this criticism, ever, about bebop

bebop is a seinen that takes itself somewhat seriously, which is why it failed completely in japan with the otaku anime customer base, and why it's good
it has an actual plot, with a full story arc, character development, etc., it didn't run on tired cliches and throwaway gags

NGE is all-style substance-free preachy pseud-bait faux-deep shounen crap that takes itself too seriously for what it is, it succeeded initially then failed with otakus when the big reveal was that it was all just a shitty parable aimed at otaku telling them to man up, even though the story wasn't actually about that at all, at the end Anno decided
>it is ...because it just is OKAY

berserk is alright since it adapts the better part of the series (go tell that to /a/troons, you'll probably get a ban lmao) rather than the full-retard edgelord grimdark part that starts where it leaves off and is little more than
>I (the author) watched the Hellraiser films and really liked them


bebop good evendoe only retarded redditors like it


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>reddit likes something
>therefore I must hate it


>never heard this criticism, ever, about bebop
Its been a while since I watched it so I could be misremembering but it felt to me that too much of it was taken up with admittedly some pretty fucking cool fight scenes and shit instead of advancing the plot and themes


tsmt so true


take out nge algorithm slut


mid tear slop doe


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sarr show bobs nad vagnae, milk truck just arrive


I love the evangelion on there.


Surelu bepop was good and Berserk too but evangelion is only 7/10


i like eva because i want to fuck rei and because im a whiny somewhat effeminate incel with no real father figure and difficulties with social connections


One Piece, Naruto and Dragon Ball, albeit


all shit /a/lbeit


Targert demographic is 12 year olds and overweight spics


Stories running for 20 years are targeted at one specific age yea


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Hello r/Animes


Those don't look like One Piece, Dragon Ball, and Serial Experiments: Lain


The best are:
I'm talking about the manga versions only btw, anime sucks.


Cowboy Bebop was okay at best, never watched Evangelion because the community forces it so hard, and Berserk is pretty good but the manga is in a weird place right now.
Kaiji is amazing and Jojo is almost as good. Maybe I will read Baki one day but the art style is so grotesque.


r/anime would put in one piece and madoka or monogatari series.


wood silver gemstone


Monogatari is pure garbage. I was promised a show with great knowledge and focus on mystery/ mythology but instead I got
>90% fanservice
>10% pointless blablabla
if not the direction and art style no one would ever praise it


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