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File: 1689378199932.jpg (137.55 KB, 945x1200, E9ZyTVGUcAE3Lkf.jpg)ImgOps


Kaworu edition


File: 1689378290478.png (179.04 KB, 829x728, 867TIUY.png)ImgOps

evangelion sucks shit albeit


even doe Kaworu is qt


File: 1689378418323.png (52.92 KB, 768x719, 8795RU4FWEI.png)ImgOps

nobody says this


File: 1689378442493.jpeg (19.77 KB, 213x214, F30D21CD-FB8D-408B-AD31-8….jpeg)ImgOps

how do i get a bf


I say that tho


in my discord dms babe


File: 1689378492732.png (16.45 KB, 255x255, IMG_0932.png)ImgOps

Mods delete this shit




File: 1689378538255.png (427.14 KB, 1200x675, 7089YHUION.png)ImgOps

no you don't


File: 1689378542014.png (27.27 KB, 775x1127, 1689251618806.png)ImgOps


File: 1689378588810.png (7.4 KB, 466x99, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

I said that right then THOUGHEVER


File: 1689378667502.png (47.79 KB, 730x1194, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

then don't


no arrow so u look like that soyjak


File: 1689378779145.png (339.69 KB, 800x1500, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps



File: 1689378863654.png (116.69 KB, 720x1036, qoson.png)ImgOps



Coal. Would be gemmy if the top was a BBC


File: 1689378924985.png (68.69 KB, 723x861, 5019 - SoyBooru.png)ImgOps

We're all in here! >>3894431


you love cock nigga. Thats why ur in /soy9gay/


File: 1689378972682.jpg (359.45 KB, 1024x1024, 1682049792733.jpg)ImgOps

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>/soy/ - Soyjaks
>Posting mode: Reply [Return] [Go to bottom]
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>Spoiler Image
>File / / Oekaki
>(For file deletion.)
>You cannot recieve free robux here, requesting it is completely pointless.
>File (hide): 1689378199932.jpg (137.55 KB, 945x1200, E9ZyTVGUcAE3Lkf.jpg) ImgOps
>▶/soy9gay/ Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:43:20 №3896103
>Kaworu edition
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:44:50 №3896128 >>37809
>File (hide): 1689378290478.png (179.04 KB, 829x728, 867TIUY.png) ImgOps
>evangelion sucks shit albeit
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:45:38 №3896137 >>37810
>even doe Kaworu is qt
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:46:58 №3896162 >>37812
>File (hide): 1689378418323.png (52.92 KB, 768x719, 8795RU4FWEI.png) ImgOps
>nobody says this
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:47:22 №3896168 >>37813
>File (hide): 1689378442493.jpeg (19.77 KB, 213x214, F30D21CD-FB8D-408B-AD31-8….jpeg) ImgOps
>how do i get a bf
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:47:55 №3896178 >>3896195>>3896199
>I say that tho
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:04 №3896182
>in my d​​i​​sco​​r​d dms babe
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:12 №3896184 >>37815
>File (hide): 1689378492732.png (16.45 KB, 255x255, IMG_0932.png) ImgOps
>Mods delete this shit
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:41 №3896191
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:58 №3896195 >>37818
>File (hide): 1689378538255.png (427.14 KB, 1200x675, 7089YHUION.png) ImgOps
>no you don't
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:49:02 №3896199 >>37818
>File (hide): 1689378542014.png (27.27 KB, 775x1127, 1689251618806.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:49:48 №3896214 >>37819
>File (hide): 1689378588810.png (7.4 KB, 466x99, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>I said that right then THOUGHEVER
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:51:07 №3896240 >>37820
>File (hide): 1689378667502.png (47.79 KB, 730x1194, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>then don't
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:51:37 №3896252 >>37821
>no arrow so u look like that soyjak
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:52:59 №3896274 >>37822
>File (hide): 1689378779145.png (339.69 KB, 800x1500, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:53:41 №3896285 >>3896302>>3896306
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:54:23 №3896302 >>37826
>File (hide): 1689378863654.png (116.69 KB, 720x1036, qoson.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:54:43 №3896306
>Coal. Would be gemmy if the top was a BBC
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:55:25 №3896317
>File (hide): 1689378924985.png (68.69 KB, 723x861, 5019 - SoyBooru.png) ImgOps
>We're all in here! >>3894431
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:55:38 №3896321
>you love cock nigga. Thats why ur in /soy9gay/
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the gay porn is so hot desu


File: 1689378989267.png (17.27 KB, 450x459, slowburnthumbsup.png)ImgOps

nah nigger i came here to say evangelion was shit


File: 1689378989292.png (74.69 KB, 1225x439, 'ye gem.png)ImgOps



>even doe its gemmy


File: 1689379044019.png (224.78 KB, 527x611, Soyjak Cobson Rapeson Evil….png)ImgOps

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>/soy/ - Soyjaks
>Posting mode: Reply [Return] [Go to bottom]
>Expand all images
>Spoiler Image
>File / / Oekaki
>(For file deletion.)
>You cannot recieve free robux here, requesting it is completely pointless.
>File (hide): 1689378199932.jpg (137.55 KB, 945x1200, E9ZyTVGUcAE3Lkf.jpg) ImgOps
>▶/soy9gay/ Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:43:20 №3896103
>Kaworu edition
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:44:50 №3896128 >>37809
>File (hide): 1689378290478.png (179.04 KB, 829x728, 867TIUY.png) ImgOps
>evangelion sucks shit albeit
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:45:38 №3896137 >>37810>>37827
>even doe Kaworu is qt
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:46:58 №3896162 >>37812>>37827
>File (hide): 1689378418323.png (52.92 KB, 768x719, 8795RU4FWEI.png) ImgOps
>nobody says this
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:47:22 №3896168 >>37813
>File (hide): 1689378442493.jpeg (19.77 KB, 213x214, F30D21CD-FB8D-408B-AD31-8….jpeg) ImgOps
>how do i get a bf
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:47:55 №3896178 >>3896195>>3896199>>37827
>I say that tho
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:04 №3896182 >>37827
>in my d​i​sco​r​d dms babe
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:12 №3896184 >>37815
>File (hide): 1689378492732.png (16.45 KB, 255x255, IMG_0932.png) ImgOps
>Mods delete this shit
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:41 №3896191 >>37827
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:58 №3896195 >>37818
>File (hide): 1689378538255.png (427.14 KB, 1200x675, 7089YHUION.png) ImgOps
>no you don't
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:49:02 №3896199 >>37818
>File (hide): 1689378542014.png (27.27 KB, 775x1127, 1689251618806.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:49:48 №3896214 >>37819>>37827
>File (hide): 1689378588810.png (7.4 KB, 466x99, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>I said that right then THOUGHEVER
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:51:07 №3896240 >>37820>>37827
>File (hide): 1689378667502.png (47.79 KB, 730x1194, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>then don't
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:51:37 №3896252 >>37821>>37827
>no arrow so u look like that soyjak
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:52:59 №3896274 >>37822>>37827
>File (hide): 1689378779145.png (339.69 KB, 800x1500, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:53:41 №3896285 >>3896302>>3896306>>37827
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:54:23 №3896302 >>37826
>File (hide): 1689378863654.png (116.69 KB, 720x1036, qoson.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:54:43 №3896306
>Coal. Would be gemmy if the top was a BBC
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:55:25 №3896317 >>37828
>File (hide): 1689378924985.png (68.69 KB, 723x861, 5019 - SoyBooru.png) ImgOps
>We're all in here! >>3894431
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:55:38 №3896321 >>37827>>3896333
>you love cock nigga. Thats why ur in /soy9gay/
>▶Chud (You) 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:56:12 №3896328
>File (hide): 1689378972682.jpg (359.45 KB, 1024x1024, 1682049792733.jpg) ImgOps
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>>/soy/ - Soyjaks
>>Posting mode: Reply [Return] [Go to bottom]
>>Expand all images
>>Spoiler Image
>>File / / Oekaki
>>(For file deletion.)
>>You cannot recieve free robux here, requesting it is completely pointless.
>>File (hide): 1689378199932.jpg (137.55 KB, 945x1200, E9ZyTVGUcAE3Lkf.jpg) ImgOps
>>▶/soy9gay/ Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:43:20 №3896103
>>Kaworu edition
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:44:50 №3896128 >>37809
>>File (hide): 1689378290478.png (179.04 KB, 829x728, 867TIUY.png) ImgOps
>>evangelion sucks shit albeit
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:45:38 №3896137 >>37810
>>even doe Kaworu is qt
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:46:58 №3896162 >>37812
>>File (hide): 1689378418323.png (52.92 KB, 768x719, 8795RU4FWEI.png) ImgOps
>>nobody says this
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:47:22 №3896168 >>37813
>>File (hide): 1689378442493.jpeg (19.77 KB, 213x214, F30D21CD-FB8D-408B-AD31-8….jpeg) ImgOps
>>how do i get a bf
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:47:55 №3896178 >>3896195>>3896199
>>I say that tho
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:04 №3896182
>>in my d​​i​​sco​​r​d dms babe
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:12 №3896184 >>37815
>>File (hide): 1689378492732.png (16.45 KB, 255x255, IMG_0932.png) ImgOps
>>Mods delete this shit
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:41 №3896191
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:48:58 №3896195 >>37818
>>File (hide): 1689378538255.png (427.14 KB, 1200x675, 7089YHUION.png) ImgOps
>>no you don't
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:49:02 №3896199 >>37818
>>File (hide): 1689378542014.png (27.27 KB, 775x1127, 1689251618806.png) ImgOps
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:49:48 №3896214 >>37819
>>File (hide): 1689378588810.png (7.4 KB, 466x99, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>>I said that right then THOUGHEVER
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:51:07 №3896240 >>37820
>>File (hide): 1689378667502.png (47.79 KB, 730x1194, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>>then don't
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:51:37 №3896252 >>37821
>>no arrow so u look like that soyjak
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:52:59 №3896274 >>37822
>>File (hide): 1689378779145.png (339.69 KB, 800x1500, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:53:41 №3896285 >>3896302>>3896306
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:54:23 №3896302 >>37826
>>File (hide): 1689378863654.png (116.69 KB, 720x1036, qoson.png) ImgOps
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:54:43 №3896306
>>Coal. Would be gemmy if the top was a BBC
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:55:25 №3896317
>>File (hide): 1689378924985.png (68.69 KB, 723x861, 5019 - SoyBooru.png) ImgOps
>>We're all in here! >>3894431
>>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:55:38 №3896321
>>you love cock nigga. Thats why ur in /soy9gay/
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>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:56:22 №3896331
>the gay porn is so hot desu
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:56:29 №3896333 >>37832
>File (hide): 1689378989267.png (17.27 KB, 450x459, slowburnthumbsup.png) ImgOps
>nah nigger i came here to say evangelion was shit
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:56:29 №3896334 >>37831
>File (hide): 1689378989292.png (74.69 KB, 1225x439, 'ye gem.png) ImgOps
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:56:41 №3896340
>▶Chud 07/14/23 (Fri) 23:56:53 №3896345
>>even doe its gemmy
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File: 1689379073454.png (313.58 KB, 800x1500, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


>false even doe tru


who is kaworu


File: 1689379126567.png (313.58 KB, 800x1500, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps


my husband


File: 1689379165254.png (634.96 KB, 1280x1000, 36497c1a57d5ab0c162948907f….png)ImgOps


File: 1689379236807.png (47.27 KB, 143x255, 1687928331469.png)ImgOps

why they have diape they icky


File: 1689379267718.gif (16.71 MB, 428x240, heads.gif)ImgOps



diaperCORD woke up


File: 1689379313000.png (381.02 KB, 736x736, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps

Would you rather have a vampire bf or a werewolf bf?


>nooo u cant be gay cuz.... cuz... like... ummm the goat fucking pedo "prophet" said it so it must be true!!!




File: 1689379410667.gif (1.4 MB, 360x360, muslimin.gif)ImgOps



I'm starting to think this gay thread is for the foids



A fat Mexican wrote this post btw


File: 1689379457591.png (254.55 KB, 1106x1012, 1687484888286.png)ImgOps

i-is it??


its just a mimic of 4kek


File: 1689379508275.webm (1.65 MB, 1280x720, faggot death.webm)ImgOps


File: 1689379623399.png (542.36 KB, 812x1029, ClipboardImage.png)ImgOps



File: 1689379838456.gif (7.58 MB, 1065x795, 1669901192784.gif)ImgOps



File: 1689379860549.png (69.88 KB, 201x255, 1689379623399.png)ImgOps


File: 1689380173528.webm (3.25 MB, 700x400, charlie-hebdo-paris167210….webm)ImgOps



File: 1689380211594.png (69.87 KB, 201x255, 1689379860549.png)ImgOps


gemmy thread


File: 1689619951638.mp4 (2.17 MB, 640x360, Ramiel the Fifth Angel - N….mp4)ImgOps

Ummmm so like basically Biblically accurate angels or whatever.

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