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What do you think of them? Let's start with Ib


ion even gon lie
witch's house? shit a hood classic fr


ib is great, love those rpg maker games, my favorite is Towelket 1


Did anyone else like black souls 2? I liked it a lot, but my friend couldn't get into it


ib is my favorite one


Yeah, leaf is a bitch and alice is trash doe


Why? Care to elaborate?


shouldn't this go on /mtv/


Sacrifice ending sisters…..
also I haven’t played the remake
Currently im playing pokemon reborn which is rpgmaker but maybe I’ll get back to playing stuff like Walking on a star unknown


No because it's tranime


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trips of trutherald. Alice is trash (Prickett is too menhera) and only really wanted dat Big Carroll Dick. Leaf just wants to sexually torture Grimm even doe she has no real powers or however the grand guignol goes. Even Node was pretty trash, but she was just trying to keep her power or something.
Mabel was the best girl and actually wants Grimm to face against Azathoth, instead of just using him for big undead cock. Also she's very cute and silly. And unlike Red, doesn't fuck dogs. I hope she comes back in BS3, Yog-Sothoth just gives up on the Mabel body as soon as she starts to develop a relationship with Grimm.


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started playing SMT IV recently, it's kind of stressful (especially with the enemy attacking system) but the combat is fun


it actually kinda gets easier as it goes on


If anyone hasn't, play all the other SMTs. Everyone talks about how great 3 is, but 1 surprised me with how fun it was. I played a fan-translated version of the PS1 release which has superior music and graphics. I haven't played 5 yet so I have no idea if that's good, and I haven't played any Persona games but my friends tell me they're garbage outside the social stuff and that doesn't appeal to me.


thats what i heard


Emergency bumo though


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Hello JRPG soyteens, i'm making a wolfrpg game. The game will primarily be inspired by blacksouls 2 and Lithuanian mythology, but some other essential transcore Jrpg maker games and chuddy literature will surely have their influence exuded there too. Here is the introduction sequence.

(Background music similar to this for main menu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHhf-Peo3vU , you can play it to imagine what it'd feel like)

Start game

(The ambiance of a heavy rain with light thunder in the background, it is a dark night, with no stars to be seen in the sky.)
(A few images play, where we see a man, walking by a stony beach, approaching a far off lighthouse. The images continue to follow him until we reach the last shot, this time, without the man, and only an imposing view of the lighthouse from bellow.)

(The player is now in control of the main character)
(Beginning of the pseudo-tutorial)

Here the player will walk around for a bit, and end up noticing the pretty big lighthouse, but upon checking the door, will realize it is locked. A few seconds after a howl will be heard far off in the distance, and if the player hasn't found the lighthouse key and entered the lighthouse yet, he will get attacked by werewolfs and get killed.

(The ambiance of heavy rain, obstructed by a thick wall, and light thunder in the background plays. Along this, a ticking of the clock sound can be heard.)

Here the player will firstly notice a door to the left of him. Upon checking it, he will realize it is locked. This will prompt him to explore further. As the player will continue climbing up the lighhouse, probably with a few gay little puzzles along the way, every few tens of steps, or whatever mechanic i decide to add in to set a time limit, he will hear a loud grandfather clock striking upon the hour. Upon reaching the top of the lighthouse, the player will find a key, this will be timed in such a way, that a collapsing of the lighthouse sequence shall begin soon after. The player, remembering either the lighthouse entrance, or the aforementioned door to the left of the entrance, will rush to there. And although the player will reach the bottom floor, he will soon realize the door to the entrance is already blocked by some rubble, and that the only other door which can be accessed will be the door to his left. Upon entering he will access the basement(?) of the lighthouse, which will only have one way through, a giant pit, which the player will be forced to jump in.

(End of pseuo-tutorial)

After this, though, the ideas get hazy, I'm thinking of taking the game into the "It was all in le head" approach mixed with some lovecraftian influence, where the "in le head" is actually eldritch Gods trying to subvert the main protagonist into subsuming his will, and essentially becoming their slave once he wakes up.

Right now I've got a few ideas for some characters :
1) A Godess which will try to lull the character into a deep sleep, essentially making him a dreamer and allowing the world in his le head to exist. Something something carl jung and the tyrannical mother.
2) A Two faced God, with one face being the primary one, which will be unconscious of the other. The first face will Embody nobility, and thus be named after it. The first face will live in a delusion of trying to restore the world in which he lives (le characters head) into a better place, while the other face will try and collapse the world, which would probably lead to an ending where the player will be set free, and escape the lighthouse... or something..
3) A character embodying your primal urges, he will probably be the "rape everyone" route of the game

Do you have any suggestions, 'teen?

Picrel is Lithuanian gibberish which of a bunch of Ideas i've thrown up. If you can read the language, I'd implore you to give me some suggestions.


the b stands for blacked


RPG maker indie shit are very great

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