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I used to like Jojo but when part 5 anime dropped I stopped because all those Reddit trannies latching onto it and spamming shitty overused Reddit memes put me off.
I didn't watch part 6 anime, is it good? Apparently they cut out scene from manga that made fun from trannies geeeeeeeeeeeg


I liked it I guess


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Incel: I used to like Jojo but when part 5 anime dropped I stopped
Cultured anime fans:


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>when part 5 dropped
>even though reddit trannies were there since at least part 3


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Read part 8


Ehh I kinda remember the hype it had in 2019 and as annoying as Jojofags were at that time they’ve pretty much stopped since part 6 killed off the majority of the hype. That and Jojos fan base feels a lot quieter now at least in my opinion. I kind of miss when people talked about part 5 but that’s just me.


I feel it's been the same with Breaking Bad and BCS but most people weren't annoyed by the stupid memes


by that i mean devaluing the series with shitty reddit humor


Joshu singlehandedly carried part 8 on his back


part 6 anime does not even compare to the manga, so much shit got cut

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