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you will NOT go insane
you will NOT seek power


I miss this show I’ve always wanted a second season but they keep giving that shit to shitty isekai and other retarded trannyshit garbage. Once MHA is over maybe it’ll get its chance to shine.


ehh the show was kinda mid, the 2nd half was all filler
just read the manga it's far better


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Honestly I agree, it had potential to have more energy to it like say Kill la Kill but failed at being interesting. The whole thing felt like a total bore despite the interesting premise and world, wasted potential.
Oh well….


51 episodes weren't enough you selfish little fuck?


it has a pretty ok anime-only ending though


No you braindead tranny. Go dilate to lucky star.


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>No you braindead tranny. Go dilate to lucky star.

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