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Did Josuk8 just BTFO all rock humans arguments ?

Explains how silicon based life is just a backup by god in case all carbon based life dies

explains how rock humans are incapable of creating a society simply because theyre unable to have a feeling of belonging to a community

explains how Tooru (groomed yasuho) gets BTFO'd by superior carbon life cock and SPIN

explains how rock humans are weak by the fact they have to sleep for entire months

Everything said in the text is backed up by extensive research

Where is YOUR evidence to back up your ridiculus claims about rock human superiority ? By all means, rage and seethe, i promise you that you can't debunk it.

inb4 i get told to shut the fuck up by a silicon life TRP (tiny rock pecker) chud

inb4 someone uses "muh pursue" argument

inb4 someone someone says theyre more stand prone because they lived near the wall eyes faults/devils palms of morioh

inb4 someone says chud carbon

inb4 "didnt read" because StupidEmotionalRock is triggered by a different opinion

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