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/health/ - Healthy Living

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/unhealthy/ - discuss the least healthy things here


not trusting the science


meds and bwc now nigger


Being voluntarily sedentary whilst rotting your brain by browsing imageboards 16 hours a day


Eating poop


poison sandwich




lol i do this


A son of one of my neighbors is doing that. Some chick broke his heart and he can’t get out of bed. I don’t want to imagine what he looks like, I’ve heard hes wafer thin and can’t move at all


Minus the Imageboard part


Smoking a carton of cigarettes a day, that’s both bad for your lungs and your wallet


using imagine boards




self harm and substance abuse


using this site


>le bad


not browsing the sharty


Food from Mexico, China, Korea, Japan, India, Brazil, Italy, Greece, and Turkey


accelerating for GETs is unhealthy


>even doe it makes me feel good


Staying up late and fucking up your circadian rhythm

Not getting enough hours of sleep


In terms of lifestyle?

Goyslop, sedentary lifestyle, jacking off, and narcotics (yes, this includes alcohol and tobacco), in no particular order.


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not sleeping enough, niggerweed, junk food/goyslop, being sedentary, substance abuse, and other stuff idk

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