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/health/ - Healthy Living

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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if you dont fast at least 2 days a week you are a fat fuck


every time i try and fast mommy Tells me to start eating : ( (( ( (


just refuse you lardass


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>I’m big boned or however the calories are consumed


No faggot. I'd never refuse my mother's kindness. She gives me food so I grow up big and strong.


I eat a lot everyday and still weight 55kg(120lbs for amerisharts)


i unironically weight 50 kg here


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Nigga my BMI is 18.6 I've lost 5 pounds for literally doing nothing at 2 hours one time


How tall are you?


i don’t fast and my bmi is 17.7


fasting is gemmy because muslims do it


175cm (5'9")


If you had a brain you would continue to eat sbut just keep it within a 6 hour time frame to allow yourself to fast overnight whilst still getting your porper nutrients and maintaining muscle.


Intermittent fasting is very healthy. Particularly one meal a day


How is that fasting if you are still taking a full meal


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The space between that one and your next meal is more than long enough for your body to reach the autophagy stage. It also trains you for longer water-only fasts where you reach the other stages

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