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/health/ - Healthy Living

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Can you tell me the /health/ benefits of getting the vaxx, using a chip to buy and sell, eating soy and bugs and living in a pod?


>getting the vaxx
no covid
>using a chip to buy and sell
don't know what you mean by this albeit
>eating soy and bugs
probably better than most processed food
>living in a pod
I imagine it wouldn't be any different than living anywhere else I guess


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So basically you want to turn into a real life Feraljak?


>don't know what you mean by this albeit
CBDCs will require you to have a chip to use them


like a credit card?
Man, if you're anywhere near an internet modem, why the fuck are you scared about credit card chips lmao


I'm not talking about muh waves that give you terminal vril cancer, I'm talking about a under-skin chip that will be needed to buy/sell with CBDCs


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it's all necessary to defeat russia of course


good goys get the QR code on their forehead

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