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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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don pollo 'ebsite

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FACT: we should report cecefem to Ben Shapiro or some other semi-mainstream conservative show and turn xhem into a republican talking point thus forcing the feds, which are currently under the control of a democratic president, to either get involved or face massive backlash, increasing the possibility of a republican victory in 2024
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unironically this


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>the daily wire


Cute little jewwy doe





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You have no original thoughts, you have no a priori reasoning, you have no critical thinking.

You are a White Liberal Woman whose been twisted by SSRIs and brainwashing into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the validation you get is two faced and halfhearted, by other brainwashed Liberals who fear angering the Progressive collective. Behind your back people mock you, your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, Men are utterly repulsed by your political beliefs.

Your talking points are a dead giveaway. You cannot debate. Even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you and fuck him, he'll tuck tale and run the moment he gets a whiff of your diseased brain rot.

You are a virtue signaler who does everything for social clout. You fear angering the collective liberal status quo. You have no free thoughts beyond what has been meticulously spoon fed to you from public school to college.

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>words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
>words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
>words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words words
just say "-ACK!" stop writing dissertations retard

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TIM POOL [HOST]: If they ban gas stoves nationwide, that means rural people won't have access and a lot of those people have gas tanks at their houses, which would put their cooking on the grid and the grid can be controlled by external forces.


POOL: So it's just centralization.

RUDKOWSKI: Just like electric cars, you know, I think -

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stop posting this awful stove


>where they could just turn off your car whenever they want

stupid nigger doesn't know that the government could just stop gas flowing to your local gas station and bam you can't go anywhere geg


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>"gas stations are the only way to fuel your car"

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>literal offsite immigrant
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


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atleast move us to /petra/



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can we lock this boring faggot board again?




go back to your contamination board frognigger


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>can we lock this boring faggot board again?



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I am prodisty should I delete my youtube video?
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delete it


was the person that recommended it to you actually a qafe nigger


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GEEEEEG I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAAH this guy scams kids for like $0.10 each and of course knows what this site is.


upload soytube kids videos NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW to save the sharty


Golgolmois is faggot mutt coming from a true ARYAN GAEL hes no CELTIC BVLL

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Why is there nothing on this board?
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they unlocked it after about a month


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i ate some chicken wings today.




test 2

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can you follow my bf chuddies?
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he's cute


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Pic is me rn


that's a femoid


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Wowsers what a gal, she's getting Therapy tonight!!


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the legendary t50 thread will be forever lost in time unless doll brings back the afterparty


legendary how


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noemi isolina rodreguiez cara at templ univerity in pa


is that a tranny?


oh wait this is incel nvm fuck this brimstone board


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for the record, I'm from south cuba, currently living in florida (go dolphins baby) 6'8 and I'm a very social and out-going person but can be distant due to insecurities and people think im autistic
watching anime doesn't help other people's perception of me, either. im mainly insecure about my jaw but I've taken up mewing and im starting to see the results






Lose weight lardass


obviously have a strong jawline under there, just eat less and it will reveal itself.


Would let you butt sex me


I agree, also hit the gym daily because a lot of people I know look unrecognizable now that their gym freaks, it will also help you be less insecure since lifting is a natural dopamine source. its unironically over for me since I didn't get my overbite corrected in time and need major surgery to get it corrected (not looking forward to it) but you don't see me crying like a homo

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missed cheese

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no problem, this dude was just a weirdo in general, he jizzed on a minion toy and uploaded it to pornhub, he also liked buying dildoes and shoving them in his ass




the toastify video was fucking wild, revealed everything


She's true
He's probably an old cryptonigger with a few bitcoins here and there


Horus Heresy
it will warp the galaxy of meme culture
ecelebs will never be the same
pyro is Emperor
zimbabwe is Horus
french girl is idk chaos? if french girl is reading this know that chaos is not evil but a force of change or something
kiwifarms are the dark eldar, 4chan and Sharty are different craftworld eldars
what groups are other factions?
on whose side are you?

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