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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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FACT: we should report cecefem to Ben Shapiro or some other semi-mainstream conservative show and turn xhem into a republican talking point thus forcing the feds, which are currently under the control of a democratic president, to either get involved or face massive backlash, increasing the possibility of a republican victory in 2024


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FACT: we should shut the fuck up and stop giving that faggot attention


youre dumb if you think that will help. ben shapiro is literally a tranny fucker and his sister's husband is a actual h homosexual


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Tucker Carlson would also work as he's now independent of Fox and in need of extreme narratives like this one


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Shill to who? United States federal agents and rednecks?


If it's not a person which can be identified and shows xher real face I doubt they would be interested.

There's millions of anime accounts and they already know they're all degenerate


They would not be interested*


What if we get turkey tom?


The difference being that we have piles upon piles of extreme content he made, of children sterilizing themselves, literally snorting estrogen and so much more- that's the difference between cece and other twitter degens. And they'd definitely be interested, it fits perfectly into their current tranny groomer narrative
that works too actually


Fact : stop giving the attentionwhore attention


>we should help elect more kikes into power
Mutts deserve the rope i hope your faggot country gets nuked




I guess a well made video exposing that predator could get their attention


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stop talking about cecefem here i am now being doxed by her because I sent her my real info to try and larp as a femboy to get closer and she is focing me on hrt because i am now bbc addicted due to hours of scrolling through bnwo content


Dont give attention to attention whores.
Doxing them is fine tho



We could try sending screenshots or videos over to a big channel willing to make a video


two more weeks until cecefem is doxxed sisters


Why did you save this lump of coal on your harddrive? I want to strangle you


Talk to him about BNWO twitter and racebait coomer circles


He's probably friends with those people


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That'd depend on how lucky we are with the youtube algorithm, I think we'll be better off just contacting an already established content creator. What I imagine is the following:
1) We sent all the evidence in a well formatted manner to some journalistic conservative outlet, the main targets being the Daily Wire, Stephen Crowder, Tucker Carlson the the like.
2) They make some news out of this; it doesn't have to be some giant breaking news segment or even a video segment at all, just an article on the official Daily Wire's site would suffice.
3) We spread the published article to the rest of conservative media industry, this time gathering much more success thanks to Daily Wire's name. Tucker Carlson should be targeted at this point, with any luck he'll bite as this fits his narrative perfectly.
4) We sit back and watch as the conservatives do the job for us. Many smaller channels not worthy of mention will see the easy prey being presented to them on a silver plate.
5) With any luck cece will either stop his criminal activity or get doxed; probably both. Federal agents will most definitely have a file against him at this point.
Also Breaking Points will work too if Daily Wire fails for whatever reason


Kuz do this




another chuddie L


uhh... shapirosisters... did we just lose to CeCeGem?


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it's not even started DOE
I'll download all the evidence form 'iwifarms tomorrow, we should also mention r9cute and keffals' ranch so if anyone has some gemmy info on them please dump it here


two more weeks chudisters and cece will be doxxed and my little clitty will never get hard to her edits ever again!


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keep your /calm/ sister, PATRIOTS IN CONTROL...


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>patriots in control even doe Trump is set to rot in prison for the rest of his life and conservatism mocked out of mainstream


Driving trannies to suicide and making cringems is sharty-favorable if anything


unironically this


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>the daily wire


Cute little jewwy doe





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