Who cares?
>>50172I remember my friend was "exposed" by that dude for doing a heckin racism and transphobia a whiille ago.
>>50172Does anyone have pictures of what xploshart actually looks like IRL?
I bet my prostate that behind that cutesy avatar there is at the very least a Norwood 3
>>50172who fucking cares?
>paying people to outsource vhs capture
This is funny
I heart tranny hate
"lmao, dats sum wild mix of tech illiterate tranny, VHS capture, n 80's style animations. But tbh, political implicashuns r hard 2 tell from dis. ? As 4 Fedorov, sounds like a talented pianist n animator. Life can b unfair, man. ?"
TeamGamerfood humbly invites mr fedorov into their secret thunderdome. Mr. Chuck E. Cheese should look outside his window later tonight. ;)
>>50178he made this thread
>>50181tgf is dead THOUGH
>>50172idk nigger i just hate him cuz he's a tranny
I know a guy from columbus that foxworth literally wanted to bludgeon to death
ok fedorov. xploshi's shitty channel didn't steal anything from you, and you didnt invent the genre of le epic 90s animations and no one owes you anything for posting videos that happen to be VHS filtered. who fucking cares if he is popular from shitty zoomer analog horror parody content? sounds like youre just jealous and hate him bc you got groomed by a tranny years ago. you arent some god of the 90s because you did piano lessons for 20 fucking years and own some old synths. make your own new content and stop crying over xploshit
>>50193yo newfag, foxworth has transitioned more than once. dude has been experimenting with trans shit for years. every blue moon he flips a coin and goes back to being a christcuck/antiLGBT, then he goes silent and comes back an atheist tranny. he's the biggest flipflopper lulkao evar
he also flirted with 11 year olds too, but he'll outright deny it or defend himself by saying "i-i-i was just a kid!!!11!!" even tho he was a perverted 17 yr old att
Just watched his Jerry deforestration and reforestration
Meh. Xploshis games on phone and dog food are better.
Beter comparison is ratboy genius who MOGS Proxima64.
>>50197I KNEEL
I got BTFOd so hard
But I still like ratboy genious
>>50198its okay fellow chudler
we all like gay shit sometimes
personally, im a fan of nasajim and sewnkin as far as le weird side of tehinnerbuttes göndent goes
>>50178he probably detransitioned
this thread just proved to me that there are actual trannies and faggots in this site
>>50188>>50178>>50185>self-hating tranny projecting to deflect how much of a repressor he isMany such cases
>>50229No he's unpopular because noodling generic jazz scales with le epic anime girls and default 3d shapes is pretty boring, not the high art he thinks it is. I dont blame him for having such an overinflated ego, he's a privileged faggot with rich parents and has never worked a day in his life, how else do you think he can afford a room full of the shitty retro tech he's always bragging about
>>50197RBG is margerald kino that melts the vacuous synapses of a troon's estrogenated brain with its elegant composition and wordplay
>>50185>>50188sounds like projection to me, this guy hobbies are some of the tranniest i have ever seen
>>50408He's repressing hard, see
>>50178Overcompensating by obsessively accusing everyone else of what he's guilty of, he'll crack eventually and troon back out
>>50197Ratboy genius is still keyed althoughbeit
shit nobody cares about
>ev&o nicholas foxworth fedorov got turned into a troo by xis gf
I saw this guy's ass, he got groomed or something