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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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if you see a post with an iphone filename talking about how to hookup with traps and femboys, or being bisexual, then it's this nigga blogposting
I would say their name but I don't think they need any more attention than they already have


nigga the name is already in the fucking filename


>I would say their name but I don't think they need any more attention than they already have
Why did you put the name on the filename 'tard?




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He looks like a nice person


i look like that and say that




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every iphone user is this boogieman now


looks like clarence



toggle godess...



I make threads about those subjects but I don't look like that.


can i have gemmy sex with you


Fake news he doesn't post anymore


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Kill iPhone users or something



femboys were a psyop invented around 2016-17 to feminize western men and it worked


Not exactly. They’ve kinda always existed, just under different names. “Thai ladyboys” for example


>feminizes men even though it's masculine men that crave femboys


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that was me sorry


Holy shit the words "they" and "their" aren't exclusively a tranny thing kys poltroon




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>Holy shit the words "they" and "their" aren't exclusively a tranny thing kys poltroon


No there's like 100 dudes exactly like that


yes it is

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