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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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tbh i dont like being entirely hateful. i can be "hateful" at some times, but for good reason. though... when it comes to the average woman and how women act today, god it fucks with me.

im not even trying to be edgy, but about 10 minutes acc i got an acc disabled because i said i wanted to brutally murder a fucking OF whore. every last one of those whores deserves to be raped, abused, and broken. they dont get how fucking lucky they are that they werent assaulted before hand, but now they fucking deserve it. it does kind of suck since its not just OF whores, but the anger and murderous thoughts I have are a bit concerning.


File: 1690416303819.jpg (121.24 KB, 310x310, DevinsBianca.jpg)ImgOps

go for it OP
destroy foids



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