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how do i get a soyteen boyfriend
204 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>implying that everyone who is funny can't be a girl
i guess im a 32 year old man then :DDD


im not buying a stinkpad


name literally a single reason why you wouldnt want to buy a thinkpad, other than being a poorfag who cant even afford a 50$ laptop


my Macbook costed a lot and I love it so fuck off


>5 hours ago
>200 responses


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ev&o they were all paying attention to the 12 year old girl


listen faggot im looking at mid 20s women doing yoga poses where their ass is all out im normal


what's a "ThinkPad", is it a name of a specific laptop brand?
why would I want a ThinkPad if I have a 1k computer


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well too bad that itll die sooner or later, and that you cant even repair it


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because thinkpads are superior to any shitty overpriced 2000$ computers, your chassis is plastic, it will break and be expensive to fix, it will be a pain in the ass to fix, and that is if you can fix it at all without just buying a new motherboard.
let alone that you have to actually find a new motherboard for this specific laptop model
oh yeah, you dont have schematics for modern trash, thinkpads are simple as fuck and all the schematics are public.
and thinkpads were laptops made by IBM, their logo is "THINK", crapple stole it and turned it into "think different", but what they actually meant is "dont think at all"
in 2006 or so IBM sold the brand to lenovo and the quality slowly started to degrade, it really went downhill in 2009/2010
>lenovo buys thickpad brand
>they immediately introduce intel ME backdoors, proprietary bullshit, etc.. and start making the quality plastic shit
>thickpads are now known as thinkpads
the bad thing is that T60/X60/etc models only support up to 3 gigs of ram, are heavy, have shit battery life, and can barely run firefuck now, let alone any games like gta 3 which you can play on an X200 without problems.
after 2008 you could also not fully remove the IME backdoor anymore, on GM45 (x200, t400, etc) you had to open the thing up and flash it manually to get rid of it, thank lenovo and intel for this btw.
a T60 can be flashed internally without any hackarounds, you can do what you want without a 5$ flasher or a screwdriver.


This thread was moved TWICE HOLY SHIT


when will the janny make up his mind smh...
if he moves it to /nate/ or back to /soy/ i'll laugh.


>Discussion of e-celebs will be kept to /incel/, discussion of local namefags and meta-drama will be kept to /q/.
move this to q jannies


gnuschizo please dont forget about this thread


just remind her on /sci/


>the retro tech schizo obsessed with extremelly autistic and obscure computer OSs is a 13 year old girl

not even A24 could think of a plot twist so bone chilling


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i didnt forget about it, i was just busy playing runescape
now that i can actually keep my web browser open in the background while playing games without it lagging my computer because i switched to elinks, i can actually watch threads which is nice


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im not "retro tech" obsessed, im quality-tech obsessed.
its just the coincidence that 99% of all modern stuff is utter garbage that gets completely obliterated by even the cheapest 10$ dumpster CRT
and im 12, not 13


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expectations versus reality...


literally this


He could do both one day


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>muh quality tech is shitty outdated tvs because like the ufo is shown better or something


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>>muh quality tech is shitty outdated tvs because like the ufo is shown better or something


yea. LCD was never better visually just more convenient.


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prove me wrong then
if you dont want JS garbage,
btw, can your flatscreen do pic rel?
my CRT can do any res between 480p and 4K without trouble, and any refresh rate from 60 to 160hz (without interlacing)
i can even go beyond 4K with interlacing


there is literally no reason to use an LCD if you have a desk that can fit one or more CRTs
they just take up twice as much space as flatscreens with their stands, and take into account that you can let the back hang out on the rear of your desk, while still having the foot completely on the desk
just be careful not to let the foot go above the desks edge or youll risk letting it fall off


what do you mean "do both"?


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I’m on a iPhone nigga


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Also I did it and I saw nothing change


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iToddler BTFO!!!
still, the JS version will work, since iToddlers literally cant compile anything


idk actually


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did what?
go track the ufo with your eyes while it moves, itll appear blurry
this is called motion blur, its caused by the way flatscreens work
CRTs shoot a beam of electrons on a phosphorus surface in a grid as big as you want it to be (e.g. 640x480)
it goes from the top left to the right, then starts the next line, etc..., the same way you are reading a page of text, until it hits the bottom and goes up
once it hits the bottom it completed a frame, this happens for example 60 times per second, now guess how many electron beams are shot on phosphorus per second
in LOW RES, you get 307200 dots projected onto your screen every frame, this 60 times per second, so you get 18432000 dots per second.
dont even get me started on high resolutions like 2K or 1200p...
2880x2160@60Hz gives you 373248000 dots per second, its impressive how powerful CRTs were and still are, especially compared to shitty flatscreens
in the duration while the electron beam moves back up, it doesnt illuminate anything, and your screen is technically black
your eyes are tricked into believing that its a solid image because it happens 60 or 80+ times per second, on 50 or 60hz you can see a bit of flicker, this is caused by the black intervals, and by the fact that a spot of phosphorus isnt illuminated for the entire time a frame is displayed.
flatscreens just keep a solid image until the colour of a pixel changes, that means you dont get flickering. if anything on screen moves and your eyes go along with it, you will see it as a blurry mess because pixel response times arent zero or get blacked like on CRTs or anything that flickers.
>inb4 flickering rapes my eyes
you dont actually SEE the flicker on 70-80Hz, and on 60hz you get used to it, if you dont have a completely white image you wont see it after some time. theres a reason why CRT monitors are designed for 70-90Hz (and above/below that, but generally around that range)
it depends on your eyes, 70-80hz is the sweet spot for just enough hz to eliminate flicker, but not much wasted gpu power.
you can also set your CRT to the native refresh rate of whatever you are playing back, like some video game locked to 60hz or a video at 90
this eliminates doubled images, like in pic rel


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Wow that’s surprisingly coherent


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Holy sperg


literally half the posts in /sci/ are just this guy (gnutard, gnuschizo, gnupedo, gnucoper, etc.) posting his mile long posts about how we need to all use gnu/linux on librebooted thinkpads or however the neovag is dilated.


He’s right but I’m not in a position to change my ways


hey stop making fun of iGods


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youre just mad about me having a real vagina and not needing dick chopping surgery and life long dilating to have something that comes even remotely close to it
i will fucking rape you


autism thread


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You're either a man larping as an 12 year old female gentoo user on a bald man with glasses website or a legitimate 12 year old female gentoo user on a bald man with glasses website. Either possibility makes be very depressed
t. schizophrenic gentoo user


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Pls dont rape me mister 12 year old girl


im a 12 year old girl larping as a 40 year old bald (long-haired and blonde, bearded) man on a bald bearded man website


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I don't believe you, either way you're extremely autistic and the whole situation is saddening to me. Why would you do this? Why would you larp as a 12 year old? (or use this godforsaken website on the zero percent chance that you're 12?)


The site aint so bad albeit, at least there are no dms to get groomed in


I may have miscalculated


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I kinda look like OP except I'm asian….. 168 cm 55 kg…..any fat white fujoshis wanna be my wife?


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Shota bait post bussy

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