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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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File: 1690430902098.jpeg (843.25 KB, 2316x3088, F5670A6B-E614-43CD-9EA9-E….jpeg)ImgOps


Is it over for me


>posted his face on the sharty


>be on anonymous site
>posts face and name on said anonymous site
you're fucking retarded bro



lose weight, your lips look so fucking weird too.


Seed oil facial hair.


You look like an oblivion NPC. Just that expression and the curviness of your face


File: 1690560815334.png (7.37 KB, 720x720, 1689260843023.png)ImgOps



most motherfuckers like you would look 80% better if you lost your face fat


lose fat, grow stache


He looks like a brown version of that guy who shot up a store because of /pol/


File: 1691590875862.png (22.36 KB, 896x741, so attaractive D.png)ImgOps

Idk man you look really cute


Prob a dox doe he does look retarded enough to do it

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