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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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Does anyone know how to stop looking like incel?


Get fat and become a neckbeard instead


1. get contacts
2. grow your hair out longer (thats if ur not balding lul)
3. go to the gym
4. get off the sharty
5. find a gf or fembf

either that or u could just become a woman


would be aryanmaxxed if they shaved and didnt have shitty haircuts


Step 5 is exclusively if you want to be a beta or a faggot


twp moment


Billions must strive.


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There is no way aside from going ER.


>1. get contacts
won't achieve anything
>2. grow your hair out longer (thats if ur not balding lul)
as long as you got a good hairline it doesn't matter what it looks like
>go to the gym
no gym for your face
>get off the sharty
ze foids will know that i browse some random obscure forum!!
>find a gf or fembf
impossible if you aren't in the top 5% of men lookswise (genetics, ie. you have to be born into it) or willing to betabuxx an obese landwhale


>top 5% of men
i have a friend who is 5'10" nearing 300 lbs of lard and is already married


>if you aren't in the top 5% of men
Black-pill takers believe in stupidest shit


you are a faggot loser if you say this unironically


Grow a beard, it will make you look less like a baby.


Paperbag maxxing usually works


>won't achieve anything
yes it will retard. everyone looks better without glasses
>as long as you got a good hairline it doesn't matter what it looks like
youre clueless as fuck if you think girls prefer buzzcuts over wavy tiktok hair
>no gym for your face
having a good physique is a plus to most girls no matter how you look
>impossible if you aren't in the top 5% of men lookswise (genetics, ie. you have to be born into it) or willing to betabuxx an obese landwhale
the standards for getting a girl really arent that high, go outside and youll see plenty of normal looking people (not top 5% alpha gigachads) with good looking girls. youre quite literally making life harder for yourself by reinforcing these dumb beliefs that you have to be a top tier genetic elite to even look at the opposite gender


>won't achieve anything
Men look way better without glasses

>as long as you got a good hairline it doesn't matter what it looks like

When shown photographs of the same guys with and without hair (or with very short hair), they always prefer them with a good hairstyle

>no gym for your face

Being big and strong WILL make women like you more than they do now

>ze foids will know that i browse some random obscure forum!!

It's not about that, retard. Imageboards poison your mind and waste your time, you become even dumber and uglier as the time passes

>impossible if you aren't in the top 5% of men

If this were true, we would have a 90% male virginity rate and there would be practically no children in schools and kindergartens

If you genuinely belive all of this, you are a pathetic loser


Darken yo skin and eat sum fried chicken mayne


Troon out


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dont be a mouthbreather
exercise and eat fresh healthy food
expose yourself to the internet as little as possible


softmaxx to look like a tiktokker then get surgery to make your face not look like shit usually works

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