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Guys do you think my favorite blackpilled twink browses the sharty?


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adored wet humming elliptical brave hospital cactus cobweb foam conclude satisfy treat wail overthrow


I hope not, everyone here is trans


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erm who the hell cares


why are so many buff dudes gay


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They would just be natty gays lmao


roids doesn't make you a sissy lmao


Are manlets luckier in that they have natural roid growth without roid tranny side effects? I mean they have a worse cap, but grow at a much more desirable rate muscle wise. Doubled edged sword tbh


>Blah blah blah I'm a gay faggot that lifts weights
Yeah we know


I found out that my best friend started using SARMS is he fucked?


>Trannies out of nowhere
You are repressed just like he his


Nono not what i meant, i meant since manlets have less to fill they grow fast and dont really have reasons to roid tranny.


Let me check the ole tv and watch the tranny channel espn


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>You are repressed just like he his


Why are right wing twitter nigger zoomies like this. I genuinely dont understand


>all of 4cuck seethe in one sentence


You calling pros trannies?


Not 4cuck doe and I’m a zoomie as well (20 going on 21)


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Is he really not natty??


gerber is a wierd one. On one side I was suprised that there was a zoomer who had realized and was raising awareness of the shitty hand zoomers have been dealt, but hes also a degenerate faggot at the same time who dresses up as a discord kitten catboy


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Take the ‘Cado pill already chuds


Wake makes xem do this doe


marge esl


/lgbt/ nas dust


He will go blind in 3 months warn him


But its le irony doe, right? right?
here's his channel for clueless niggas: https://www.youtube.com/@gerbertjohnson


Nigga how is that esl


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Idk much about his history, but it seems that he just embraced the all the discord homosexual degenerate memes like crossdressing and catboy shit


Is he really gay? I'd think he was just pornsick and lonely like all zoomers are


I didnt ask? Kill yourself.


But on xis YouTube channel it’s the opposite. Is it a do as I say not as I do kinda thing


you haven't heard of catboykami?


Didn’t him and nick Fuentes fuck or something


he's obnoxious


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>boost your test for better gains
>don't know what to do with the extra so you "somehow" start sucking dick
>it's not me, it's da roooooids

soicvcks are braindead


catboykami also ironically owns a anime catgirl outfit and a horse dildo with a cum tube


He always struck me as someone ripping off hamza but putting a discord spin on it


Irony doesn't make you dress as an emasculated catboy twink during your videos about self improvement

>I'd think he was just pornsick and lonely like all zoomers are
that sums him up pretty well Imo


I think that’s cuz your balls stop making test cuz you’re getting all your test through the roids or however the barbell is lifted


Nigga had the gaul to call us braindead kek


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>soyspergs not understanding le quirky zoomer humor


Catboy is different because he's just a regular degenerate who does chuddy things because it disturbs people. He has zero moral fiber and is more like thet the raidcorders who spam bmt in random twitchtard discords


athletes and bodybuilders don't have this problem. somehow it's all losers online


I was agreeing with you tard.


zoomers are post ironic doe


Op here, you guys are serious? I thought he was just some dude who wasted his life gooning and 'cord browsing who started a self improvement channel, now your telling me he's some roided out emasculated femboy faggot? Gerby wouldn't troon out, would he?


I can understand being depressed about the current state of the wolrd as a young white man
But this? THIS??? Wearing catgirl maid clothing while whining about how shitty the world is??


You blaming the urge to suck wee wees on drugs again?


Yeah no worries. Nufrogs embarrassing themselves as always.


the irony


he is what a defeated young man looks like, utterly mindbroken by both the problems he talks about on his channel and the massive twitter/cord he undoubtably consumes.


>homosexual athletes
Depends on the sport, swimming has the most faggots iirc
Somewhat true, but there are definitely married men who bodybuild and do it as a sport more than to fetishize the male physique. Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilt and had tons of women plus kids.


Its true. No need to be upset?


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Sharty users aren't demoralized blackpilled faggots doe so probably not.


By that logic, the gayest should also be the best right?


frog is a censor retard



No one is arguing that niggers don't have lots of closet gays.


>oldfrog acting up again


Guest me it does not make you a weak fighter Roy Jones, khabib


Wonder why rich pina died... we can rule out the roid thats for heckin sure


Trust me*


I don't think so, I think thats just the conclusions we're jumping to from the wierd shit he does


So if I go on a couple of cycles, I won't turn into a sissy?


you can spam anything idn those shitty 'cord servers even 'p it has nothing to do with morality tard, also catboy is based in /pol/ sense so he wins this one


>nufrog to oldfrog
oh no no no some is confused are you sure you haven't been juicing?


What are you cycling thought
Also take nolvadex and clomid for pct to get test levels back to normal
Also get a online referral for a blood test for your test levels to be sure


>you can spam anything id those shitty 'cord threads even 'p

Am I hearing you right? Are you saying its okay to spam P in order to "own the troons?"


You are a Mong steroids =/= being able to fight but being on steroids and knowing how to fight is killer what do you think everyone in the UFC is natty geg


Stop talking to yourself nufrog.


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If you want PEAK gains abuse tren as much as possible, thank me later.


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im just messing around thoughie


Tren is the worst roid just do test e




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>The best fighters in the UFC are natty
nigga I got baaaaad news


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if you wanna look like cat boy girby you need to first gurgle bull testicles every night and drink bull semen for the taurine after you're done


Roy Jones


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>Let's get RIPPED
>ONE... TWO.. THR-ACK!!!


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>first engaaging thread for hours
>moved to incel
jannies are killing the site


that isn't natty lmao


Do you guys know what and what doesn't make a tranny from experience?


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Doing *some* juice isn't natty and your peak will NEVER be natty


tsmt sad


le new sincerity le new irony doe


go back


Whiteboi beatdown


He sucks because his tone always has that "hiding behind 10 layers of irony" vibes which is gay.




Irrelevant and everyone already knows hes a faggot

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