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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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Why did he do it


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wild zigzag porcupine bottom goat dentist


Who the fuch is this guy and why should I care>


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nigga got the aryan stare 💀💀


Because whitoids are mentally ill


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>who the fuch is this guy and why should i care>


some american autistic school shooter, it's all you need to know.


post lanza dancing


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the mid zoomer show that killed this thread


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he was bored


Because le culture was raping children and not letting him in the fun


He was framed by the feds after he discovered their "sexual assault missiles" [DO NOT GOOGLE]


BB is millennial shit


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The fbi grooomed him


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cause le doctor played with his penis or sum idk he was a retard


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here you're welcome chud


>he thinks he did it or even happened at all
autistic kid kills 28 people with only 2 injuries in 5 mins sure

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