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So this guy is saving the white race, and basically you're doing nothing


He managed to make white supremacism gay and cringe


^^cecefem FOUND


Obsessing about gay fetish posters is indeed also very gay and cringe


Nick "having sex with women is gay" Fuentes


Nick is the worst kind of larper and is fading into obscurity in lifetime
>Cozy failed
>Nick has woman energy
>Saving le white race
>Holy war against (((them)))

Whatever Zog did to him after meeting Kanye has ruined any kind of validity or rep he’s ever had.


Wignats are winning so hard it’s unbelievable.
Nick will be the first E celebrity strung up when DOTR comes


He's right about the JQ and is 95% on point with his politics and religion, but hes too gay to be taken seriously.


Thats the problem


seems pretty straight to me


When I say "gay" I'm not talking about literal homosexual. It really means he's an obnoxious and unlikable douche bag. We could split hairs all day about the skeletons in his closet, but no one is perfect and that's not really the point.

If Beardson and Shawn never pimped out AF on Twitter all those years ago, Nick would have never gotten this level of attention.


you've clearly never watched him if you think he's unlikable


He’s pretty irritating and has the charisma of a brick wall.


show me one clip where he is boring

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