I have seen too many twiggers get le transphobic and problematic exposed for shit way less than this.Gacha studio, predecesor of gacha life, has a directory of uncontrolled, unrestricted, unmoderated chatrooms, two of them (channel 69 and 53) being themed after tranime sex. The game has always been aimed at kids. Proof of this fact has been shoa'd and this lunime fucker has gotten away with it for too long.
Jewtube proof:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpMlfxeV-dUBe a good personal army of aryanchuds and remind lunime of his little mistake
https://twitter.com/LunimeGames?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthorif you doxx him i wouldn't care tbh
the jewtube proof was absolutely disgusting, parents need to supervise their children before allowing that stuff to happen.
>>52955I'm 100% sure lunitroon has willingly put this shit on the game, or at least a coleague of his. It is really suspicious the fact that he never talked about it or was confronted about it. He later deleted the chat feature but shit like this (obviously intentional) deserves to be known. Tired of gachatroons sucking on his tiny pedochink dick
If I ever find more proof ill post it
>>52957I know it was deleted, but still, why did he add this? Was he probably a pedo! Absolutely!
>>52960We need to doxx Lunime.
Who the fuck cares nigger
most organic discord thread
ban kiwitroons
>>52953I don't care if he's a pedo or not
>>52963>>52964>>52965>3 posts within mere secondsHello gachatranny
>>52965I'm more of a teen than a kiwitroon. The goal of the thread is to at least make people know what he did
>>52970i don't care what he did nigga we are not the ebic internet vigilante police, take your discord ecelebs to
>>>/raid/ or kiwifarms
>>52969That means the posters are different doe, sharty makes you wait between posts
>>52971No one uses raid nigga. Jannies will have to move the thread
babybot get in and spam bot the gacha life chat
>>52976urmmm babybot is that you?
what does this have to do with soyjaks?
>>52980we could raid the gacha life chat with 'jaks doe
>>52981the chats closed, and you could only send text
We can raid xer twitter tho. Remind him of what hes done
>>52982if some of the boards are still open then raid them
plus make a 'jak gacha life charicter doe
4chan was right to ban eceleb niggery and raids
>>52984closest thing possible to that is to raid the official discoal. But this thread can't get any coalier
op is legit 11 no way
mods delete this coal
>>52987They always spam some random screenshots of text messages supposed to le "heckin exposerino" these people and expect us to do all the heavy work of doxxing these literal who's for no reason
>>52987>>52988He’s right doe these kids should be playing actual video games in their childhood instead of fucking gacha life 💀 I need him doxxed fr
doxx this lunime troon NOW!!!!!! i want this man DOXXED (NOW!)
>>52990nobody cares if you want him doxed go do the work yourself
>>52990Its the fact that this pedonigger got away putting unrestricted sexual chats in a game aimed for children
>>52991Why can't you do it yourself?
>>52995kill yourself nigger go post it on Reddit