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Pedo jannies dont want you to know chis oney plays is a shitpilled cat scat and piss enthusiast because hes friends with the jannies, but really all the newgrounds fags have there silly storys dont they…


nobody cares about your favorite vtuber


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Baited lol


chris is a god he is beyond slander or criticism


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Is there even a point to exposing dingdong anymore? I mean, his life is over, he's failed at everything. All he has is the shithole he lives in and some gross fat spic. He'll never be able connect with anyone in his family, he has very few friends, no-one watches his streams (which he never fucking does anyway, even before claiming to "quit" for the nth time) except alogs, his games are never coming out, his patreon is bleeding money, and he has no fan community. Oneyplays community turned against him for refusing to release the last episodes of the YIIK letsplay, and gamegrumps isn't going to be paying him anytime soon lmfao. This isn't just kicking a downed man, this is kicking a dead man. Also kinda redundant, everyone knew dingdong was a freak ever since he cried on stream that his friend died after injecting helium into his balls.


the only reason anyone went after ding dong in the first place is because xe criticized game grumps for making a tumblrbait faggot dating simulator for their snowflake audience. not like i want to be a white knight for degenerate furry fetish artists, but the people who doxxed xim are the same types that would cry about how Louie C.K. should be cancelled on twatter or something. they should be gassed


there arent any oneyplays fans that hate dingdong or turned against him, esentially the entire community loves him purely because of oneyplays


I wouldn't say hate, but they don't exactly have too much of a positive image of him anymore. Majority are just neutral/slightly annoyed, which is actually bad when your income is based solely on your e-fame. Ofc if they made a new series this opinion would turn back but I guess dingdong is too busy not working on his game to do that.


Majority =/= you, go watch game grumps faggot


Idc still funny


Censor the first pic at least


kys pedonigger


>i wouldnt say hate
yeah you would say hate you just did you fucking retard


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why haven't you quit meth already stamper? everyone misses you or something


kys gamegrumps retard


>refusing to release the last episodes of the YIIK letsplay


Frankly, the weird porn is the least of his problems. His shitty attitude is the real issue.
He likes to dish it out but is extremely thin skinned and throws massive tantrums when things don't go his way. This usually results in him posting long schizo rants.
He'll also silently retract his criticisms when he thinks it'll help him get in bed with the indie dev scene.

People were having too much fun and he had to go crash into ranting over a title screen.


>helium balls
going to need a link for that


What is with fags or troons all being weird porn freaks ????


>injecting helium into his balls
Marge I’m gonna need a source for that claim

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