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>marrying a wop
>Baby comes out as mexican
What is he thinking right bow bros?


>watching pewdiereddit


>seething terroni


I am more glad to see PewDiePie become a father than see YouTube dramas


swedetalian fail



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>I am more glad to see PewDiePie become a father than see YouTube dramas


Marge Pewds is Lutheran


Should've beaten T-Series


>Italians are not White
Nigga, Italians are White.


Who the fuck cares about pewdiesoy? Are you a 10 year old?




Marzia looks white


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>everithing i don't like is a mexican!
mexican-americans, chicanos and inmigrants look like the mexican stereotype than mexicans who living in mexico btw geg


glad for him. hope he'll be a good dad, best of luck

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