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/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

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The fuck is this? How am I supposed to open these discord chatlogs?

'chived Discord chatlogs (NSFL) https://files.catbox.moe/1y159f.7z


holy dumbass
I didn't thought we'd need a retard's guide


press load file then select one of the json files


techtranny above


You need to go tome website to access the logs.


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>holy dumbass
>I didn't thought we'd need a retard's guide




i just searched up discord archive viewer albeit


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this is what happens when people stay porn addicted for too long, they start getting desensitised to the usual shit they used to masturbate to and decide to search for more extreme shit




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I so fucking want people to send his relatives and parents this shit


new 'cado


we did but they think that it's all fake


erm den do it


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oh of course he's a fucking tboi isaac tranny, meat boys better than isaac btw


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great idea


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ffs that stray dot


This guy made a post in which he wrote retard and tranny. I bet he is only pretending he transitioned to get away with criticism. Since he also has Twitter account, it makes me wonder why he is such an asshole. He is also American millenial which makes even more sense, but why Arizona?

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