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Why do mexicans call themselves "La Raza" I always hear them say "Viva La Raza" "The Race." The race of what, people who don't use fucking toilet paper? The race of people who wipe with their hands? The race of midday nap takers?


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the race that's taking over your country without you doing anything about it.


built to bounce on big taliban cock


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The Cosmic Race.

One Mexican philosopher realized that northern nations were so much more successful because of ethnic homogeneity and their racial background, whereas the people of Mexico were so mixed beyond recognition that there was no race to preserve. So he realized their best strategy was to take the people they already had and improve them however they could with various eugenic practices.

The concept of "blanqueamiento" or "mejorar la raza" (improving the race) was invented then and exists in the culture even today. Parents actively discourage their kids from mixing with niggers and darker people. They tell their children that if they mix with blacks they'll get "pelo malo" (bad hair, aka nigger hair) and it's generally very frowned upon to mix with them.

This is the reason why Mexicans and people in other Hispanic nations encourage their kids to get the whitest mate they can get. It may sound "cucked" to you, but it's not for them since they're not a race, they're mestizo (literally "mutt" in Spanish). They're already mixed, so they may as well mix themselves with the best they can get.

This is something that is encouraged in their media and culture as well. If you watch any Mexican "telenovelas" (TV dramas) you will notice that almost everyone is very, VERY white, tall, handsome and wealthy while talking perfect native Mexican Spanish, which it isn't at all representative of Mexican society as a whole. And any brown or darker people in the cast are always lower class people; either criminals or servants of the wealthy whites.

I hope this exchange has allowed to learn more about Hispanic cultures.


even though they are mestizos(miscegenated in spanish)


only mexican-americans and chicanxs say this, mexicans in mexico rarely say this stupid schizo and nonsense shit


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the "white" mexicans in tv, are just lighskinned mestizos like me tho, me and they will never be white,i mean pure white or purely white, la raza is a nonsense rubbish


BWC victory






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my italian friend you need to take you meds now, and sissy han chinese bois are cucked, owned and dominated by mongolian BVLLS, and vis women are raped, fucked, railed and pounded by the mongol BULLS!


*his women, damn it freacking shitty keyboard


Wtf, mexicans are keyed?


but they still being not white and can't be white(pure white, purely white) though, they are probably just lighstkinned mestizos like me, mestizo mean miscegenated or mixed in spainsh and mestizaje mean miscegenation or mix, this specifically mostly reffer to the american(native american) and white european miscegnation mix and admixture


*indigenous american


Damn, that's sad


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very interesting


they are indigenous americans(native americans,amerindians,etc) not niggers tho


at this point everyone everywhere is a mutt


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Most Hispanics in general tend to be extremely racist in ways that the average Western liberal cannot even conceive.
Have in mind they do not have racial guilt whatsoever because they're very mixed themselves.

There are a few countries however in which racism is very frowned upon and could get you lynched (Peru, I heard, and others like that).
It's best to avoid being racist or to talk about the topic at all, especially if you're a white European, but expect them to be and be tolerant about it, it's their culture.

Also, this whole "blanqueamiento" and "mejorar la raza" thing is why so many latinas go after white guys in countries like the US and even here in Spain.
The men also go after white women as well. So it's something that they do take into practice even if they don't understand it's instilled into them by their culture.


I take it back this post isn't that bad


If their culture is built upon being extremely racist towards darkskins then they are at least culturally superior to us


are you peruvian? or just using a vpn proxy?


but we are bot pure white, we are mixed tho



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Bumping this Raza gem.


"La Raza" = "La Raza Cosmica" or "The Universal Race". Basically they're saying Mexicans are united by being los abominaciones who have every sort of people in their mystery meat


It's more complicated than that, Vasconcelos, the philospher you mentioned, very specifically thought that purity was not the right way, he thought that "the bronze race" or "the cosmic race" had the most potential, and naturally the bronze race was/is not white, the idea is that by mixing the best traits of the races that encompassed the Mexican identity glory would follow.
In the 50s, glory did follow, the Mexican miracle got Mexico into the OECD, and things were looking up, but then shit went down in the 80s and we're omegafucked since then.


Built for black men


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new 'omalian

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