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/int/ - International

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>touhou is an anime or something


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Holy Mother of Gem. Brilliantoid Cirn






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I'm not turkish


>even though memories of phantasm and other adaptations exist


What are you larpnigger


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Well said


Omg hello bernkastel


What is it then retard


Video game series


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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>touhou is an anime or something
He's not wrong doe


selfhatecord woke up


He might be russian or how the aids and hiv is spread


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^This >>45789
You shouldn't hate your ancestry buddy.

Isn't being a strong but complete and total retard the final redpill doe or however the bullets are grazed?


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Not gonna lie, I really miss Remilia, I wonder what's she's up to right now.


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is this the subhuman general?


op here! im trans btw :3



>is this the subhuman general?
I thought that was every /int/ thread?


it may as well be
games are too difficult for me
i ain't a real gamer


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Filling an entire room full of piss jars. Don't worry it's a separate building from the main mansion.


ACK!-chually she's filling 🍮's basem5


Basement I mean

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