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/int/ - International

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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>turk bvll


they all got replaced by another race aleast once btw


Speak for yourself. Germanics are as pure as they were 3000 years ago. I have blue eyes and blonde hair.


Nordic as fuck


Iberians aren't romans


Germanics got spitroasted by mutts (old world) and mutts (new world)




Spoken like a historically illiterate zoomer nigger mutt.






the only nordic country that's still nordic is iceland thoughever


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Where is the lie?






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there are 0 Hellenic nation's in the Hellenic field


turkroaches are barely human, let alone european or hellenic


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>northen france, czechia, and western poland as germanic
>finland as slavic
>portugal and spain as romans
>turkey as hellenic, or even european at all
>much fucking more
yup, I'm thinking this is the coal that killed /int/


greekchud, enlighten me and the rest of the thread as to if there are Hellenic nations other then Greece


Greece is Hellenic the rest are not


what about Macedonia doe?


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If Fingolians and and Bulgarians can be considered huwhite then yes so can the Turks.


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Western Poles are from Belarus they are not Germanic in the slightest
All of France should be Germanic only Basques and Marseille mutts are brown


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