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 47527[View All]

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53 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i am taller than what your TMP ever can offer cope great satan


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And yet brownoid arabs still get cucked by white chads lmfaooo
>the white man fucks and the arab betabuxx


keep telling yourself that, alright?


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>yyyyyyyyyyy ummmmmmmm I-I'm not a subhuman nigger shitskin roach b-b-because this random country in Europe didn't have colonies!!
>Colonization has long since passe-ACK!
(You) never will, remember that hon.


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i for the most part wont die of diabetes and bald before i reach the age of 50 because i do not drink water that contains estrogen and other billion sissyfying chemicals unlike yo shithole


mhm yep. youre also the black kara boga gigachad bro!




what the fuck is that supposed to mean


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And yet your women are betraying your bbc master race to be sex slaves of hyperborean chads and carry his mutt children
You lost nigger


>black bvll larping as craKKKa is posting porn to prove his point
you lost
you will never be black go back to getting dominated by tyrones bbc sissy baby


must suck being a socially incompetent permavirgin getting your idea of the world from other losers on 4cuck racebait threads


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>yeah, hyperborean chads like myself


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Turks are white. You are a white man acting like you're black.


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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thats your thing nigga
cope craKKKa turks are pure black bvll folk>racebait


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zwarte mensen boven mij


proud of being a black bvll nigga


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Dont talk with this faggot, he is just homosexual dutch who cherypick pictures of niggers
>weak bait


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verander alstublieft uw huidskleur


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Kek, hypocrisy at its finest


Are ya still browsing fb?


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>i'm an aryan supersoldier! fuck you cr- no wait i am not BLACK because uhh i said so race is just a social construct! ok i hope wh*tes will accept me as them ok anyway here we go *ahem* fuck you NIGGER
why are you NA faggots obsessed with the idea you're craKKKas? stop licking the TWP of the people who colonized and killed your people


Our people were killed and enslaved by theirs for centuries before the atlantic slave trade albeit, its just (((public school))) wants to put europeans in a bad light


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White power


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>White power


Literally not a single person looks like that doe


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>white power


even doe its literally a picture cope you will always be a black bvll
you will never be accepted as white by european dogs


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Why would I listen to eur*pean dogs doe?


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Sorry Moroccan, I thought u were someone else


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>Sorry Moroccan, I thought u were someone else


I look nothing like that ?





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>I look nothing like that ?


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i can tell that you found most of these on shitcord servers
please go back.


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Cope harder balengo (idk what they call you in your mutt language) the BWC always win


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We are being invaded by offsite discord chuds, stay vigilant, brother.


>t.niggerlover frog poster


Both have an Osteuropoid phenotype. BSC won. They don't resemble their classical ancestors one bit. SAD!


Norway stays on TOP


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Seething niggers here


gemmy thread


obsessed arab immigger

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