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How to stop my country from importing retarded turkish soap dramas. Im tired of seing those hot turkish women and getting demoralized


send bomb threats to tv studios that air these (don't do this)


nothing wrong with that doe


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There are worse things to worry about


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Like what


Sex tourism and recognition of Israel ?


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>Sex tourism
Marrakech is a heaven for jewish pedos from france protected by the kang
Bastard king does what his israel employed jewish personal advisor kike says.the "parliament" is fake so people callling this out just get ignored : (


Sorry to hear that my friend, let's just hope things get better


Are jews responsible for the poor economic situation in morroco so that citizens choose to immigrate to France?


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yeah. most big projects are owned by the elite here nicknamed "the treasury-" even the gas distribution firm here is owned by the prime minister(who is coincidentally the richest moroccan).
about the education, we are groomed since middle school to apply for studies abroad since the system here sucks.it also works as a scapegoat to emigrate to europe since students most of em decide to stay there and get a job. in high school french schools come here and get us to apply to their universities in france. basically anyone with 2 digits here get born with the goal to go to europe


We need total kike death


the last great effort to stop jewry died in 45
maybe if vidkun churned out a couple thousand more soldiers


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>moronigeria is under le BVSED ARVAN BWC FRNCH
>muh juden, tkd
>is a nigger
Fuck off sandnigger we will polish the balls of our whute masters weither you like it or not


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Wrong png niggerlover



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>t.moronigger tranny sodomite


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Moroccan if he was gemmy


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>the pacifier on his mouth




Kill yourself boylover. You disgust me


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>Kill yourself boylover. You disgust me


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>Chud 7 minutes ago №48257

>File (hide): 1689353186392.png (24.63 KB, 598x628, 1688179328515-1.png) ImgOps

>>48253 (You)
>Kill yourself boylover. You disgust me


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Okay but seriously, who invited the 4cuck menacord? They're not even funny.


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Kill yourself obsessed faggot

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