newfag the american flag is a cuban who has a hateboner for everything moroccan
babe wake up
new nafri monkey word salad seethe thread just dropped
2 more threads and you WILL finally be white
trust the plan monkeyrocco bros
okay i'll admit it, I lost, moroccaryans won, just stop bullying me
>>48553Italian fail
Moroccan win
>so mindbroken that he's using american and italian proxies to damage control
not a good look moor sisters
>>48557>>48557>proxiesAre you retarted carribean monkey? I was literally afk for half an hour, Im not as absessed like an autistic nigger as you
>>48561wtf im not a swede tho
>>48549>>48557what is it with shitalian diaspora defending italy more than italians themselves? your lack of roots make you seek for something to identify so you defend it with all your might? you'll never be italian no matter how many posts you make defending italy, no self respecting italian would see you as a brother, you're some sicilian 90IQ mutt whose ancestors left because they were poor subhuman retards. i hope you die in your sleep, i genuinely do.
>>48844I hope some nigger burns down your house frenchie
>>48847I’m not a dago you mindbroken frenchman I’m Irish. No go off Mohamed needs your tax money
>ashamed, the shitalian mutt hides and pretends to be a potato negro. in typical american fashion he throws out his cute little passive aggressive zinger, sign of being raised by a single mother.
i will pray for your death and the death of your loved ones everynight until the end of this year. ww3 is coming soon and countless mutts will die, thankfully, and non-anglos/germanics sub-whites will be the first to go.
>>48852Kek let’s hope Mohamed blesses you with his ‘bc after (you) typed that essay
>>48853Kill yourself mutt, the frenchman won this one just admit it
>>48562dude what should I say? Im slovak but it says Im a russkiy, so ppl spam ukraine war and pootin memes when I post
>>48870> Things that indicate losing:> Posting Swedish FailsI win
>>48871Amerimutt is pissed off because he is being replaced by spics
I win
Pic related is you when "your" wife gives birth
>>48872>Pic related is you when "your" wife gives birthThat made me kek
>>48870very rare becauses "hispanics" are not a single pure race, we have a indigenous american(native american) and white european admixture, we are tecnically mixed and texas and mostly parts of the southwestern states from america was a part of mexico and belong to mexico albeit
>>48947*because, this keyboard...
>>48948Very based, start a indigenous supremacist front and kill whitey
The eternal snowniggers killed millions of your people in their endless lust for barbarism and power, they are genocidal psycophates that deserve dying
Make us proud brother... make us proud
>>48955Heil hitler
Bl*ck dog
>>48947We should become whiter
Also florida was spanish