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tranny islands


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are the Irish white?





alright thanks


transgenderism and many other issues the west faces can all be traced back to america. if you see a nigger or some fruity cunt in the street, blame muttmerica.
throw bricks at these "people" if they decide to settle down in your country
good, so when we throw bricks through your windows and force you back, you can feel comfortable knowing you'll be going back to the superior country?


tranny above


actual angry tranny above


Mad because your just BAD YANK!




>Spanish flag


>ivory coast flag


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Oh my George III I see separate fields


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British people are the tallest in the world
5ft10 average height for zoomers, but 20% of our country is 5ft5 indians so it drags it down.
The average white zoomer in UK is 5ft11

British people are the best looking people in the world
The best looking man in the world is british, ranked no.1, henry cavill, therefore proving the british facial features and colouring are genetically superior
Britain is home to the most superior colouring in the world, north atlantid. Brown hair, blue eyes, white skin
We have the thinnest noses, with a high nose bridge, and intense brow ridge making us look extremely masculine and good looking.
Everyone surgeries to get a white nose. (british nose). Our noses are superior. Arabs are hooked. Asians have wide bulbous noses. Ours are the best of both worlds.
Everyone knows white people are the best looking. But they dont think of eastern europeans when they think of white, they dont think of swedish when they think of white. They think of british or american guys, and americans literally are british.

London is the financial capital of the world, ranked above New York
London is ranked the best city in the world. As the “capital of capitals” negotiates the uncharted, perilous terrain of a post-Brexit and pandemic world, London continues to reign as the planet's best cities for the seventh year running.

The Great British Pound is the most valuable widely used currency in the entire world. It is worth more than even the USD and Euro because our economy is simply superior.

Britain has the biggest cultural influence over the entire world, because we colonized the entire world and made everyone our slaves and fucked all ur women. This has made us viewed as extremely powerful, superior, highest status people in the world.
Everyone speaks our language. You right now are even thinking in our language and you will reply your cope to this thread in OUR LANGUAGE because you are a colonization victim. Imagine learning another superior races language and speaking it every day instead of your native tongue ? laughing at you.
And even your women learn our languages since birth getting ready for the superior British BWC so we can geomaxx to ur country and fuck ur women even despite there is a language barrier for everyone elses countries.

Biggest SMV media halo-
Hollywood is the biggest media in the world, meaning white american actors are the most famous, most lusted after men in the entire world.
American men are literally british men. Your oneitis lusts over british men, posting thier pics on her instagram, putting them as her phone screen, gets brainwashed and programmed every day since she was born to like british men and see them as good looking and superior

British people are the richest and highest IQ smartest people in the world
Literally every invention in existence is a british invention. Because british people are the smartest in the world
We invented:
the internet
artificial intelligence
mobile phones

White British men own the entire worlds wealth and are getting richer and richer, while shitskins get poorer and poorer

Viewed as the highest status people in the world
Associated with wealth, power, royalty like the Royal family, no other country has a royal family because you are all low class scum.

Accent halo
Our accent is simply just a halo and people adore it and it sounds ultra high class

Best fashion in the world
Muh italy is fashion capital.
No one posts italian fashion. Everyone lusts over Old Money fashion. Old money fashion is literally british men

Our colonies are the richest, most powerful countries in the world, places like USA, australia, canada, are all british people and are the richest countries in the world
In fact USA is the highest earning country in the world, and most powerful country in the world. We dont even need a military in UK because we have USA backing us aka millions of shitskins brainwashed into fighting for us so they can live in our superior countries

British men are all high T jocks and we have a high T fighting culture
Bitish are known for going to other european countries to party in the sun, fuck all their women, and fight and beat up everyone to the point where they are literally banned from certain cities and hated for causing trouble

White british men , and ethnic women, are having the most sex, statistically. Your women are betraying you for white men on a mass scale

Therefore if you are not british, you are viewed as genetically inferior scum by British people and would get beat the fuck out of if you ever came to the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Friendly reminder, if you reply to this thread as a non-british man, in the british language which you and your women learned, instead of your native tongue, you are fully submitting to the british people are have just exposed yourself to the entire world as a colonization victim cuckold for british men and we are all laughing at you.

Let the shitskin cope commence


didnt read tranny


we're aware you're incapable of reading shitskin mutt


read straight


bro's literally bragging about being a pajeet infested shithole ???


keep typing to me in my language that you and your women had to learn you colonization victim cuck boy
every word you write in my language just makes me laugh at you even more


60% of your language comes from latin absolutely retarded nigger lmao, you're my little bitch
you're still in time to delete this post before everyone sees it


trans person above


lmao as if that means anything, latin is dead for a reason. you and your people are simply inferior and had to adapt by becoming slaves to big anglo cock, i'm sorry to break it to you


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also """your""" language, LMAO
you're so unimportant that you got mogged by your own colonies
let that sink in for a moment


the king's english spread from the uk, no? retard


remember the last time you've seen a foreigner using your shitty orkish spelling for your language? no? me neither
you're THAT unimportant, lmao


you're talking to a braindead south italian wop (who will never be white) don't waste time talking to subhumans


these dunning kruger delusions are so low iq, did a british geezer fuck your mum while on vacation?


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actually you're so unimportant that even your own fucking people are switching to american english, LMAOOOO
know your place dog
keep patting each other's shoulders
won't change the fact that in the eyes of the world you're less than nothing
nothing beyond a decadent shithole that is soon to be a majority brown country at least


i like seeing these said subhumans playing mental gymnastics as to why we're not the main characters of history, it's amusing to say the least


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dangle little wop dangle


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>main characters
this nigga hahaha
main characters in a BNWO porn movie maybe


>instantly thinks of blacked porn
oh nonono wopsisters


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not much else to think about when it comes to your shithole unfortunately
should have thought twice before letting niggers become the majority in half of your cities


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the main characters of history


all of this is just making us more scarce increasing our value in the process. there's a reason why most sperm donors go for brown hair blue eyed men the most, keep coping if that makes you feel better though


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do you guys think Italians worship flying spaghetti monsters


>source: mailonline
lmfao what a clown


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yeah im thinking i've humiliated you enough ITT
feels good to win once again
stay losing discount ameridogs


ran out of copes already?


tiny cannoli pecker


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didn’t think i’d cause a total angloid meltdown


bumping so angloids can be reminded of this


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it's all fun and games guys, we have to remember that the jews are trying to divide and turn us against each other, white unity is the only way forward with each nation remaining both homogeneous and peaceful towards other (white) nations


Poles are not white though


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anglos are the biggest jew enablers albeit





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>the anglos are the ones who enabled the juice to fly into the twix towers or however my legs get blown off in iraq


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>We have to kick out all the pure Germanic A10 Americhads because… the trannies or something!!!! Even though they were invented by Jews not americans that doesn't matter because it still happened in america! But also ignore the fact that all the biggest Jew cabals originated in britain




Kill yourself


or something


any method of ending your life will be sufficient


I have a question




its not important untill each britckuck is addicted by women love and acceptance. Lol invertors race are, sexualy disabled maniacs, cucks and psychopaths.


cis islands


go on


If I walked to Yukon would I become British





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Kill yoruself obsessed faggot


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This is me, to the letter, except I'm 5'6''.


cope because britgods have that bbc/bwc while amerimutts have twp


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or howevah the muttjeets are imported or bloody 'ell or whatevah




kosovo is serbia

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