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/int/ - International

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Just found one absolute GEMerald of an arab game it's called Underash and its from 2002, it's about some sandnigger conflict arround Syria and Palestine...


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>Just found one absolute GEMerald of an arab game it's called Underash and its from 2002, it's about some sandnigger conflict arround Syria and Palestine...


Still figuring out the buttons but i'll list them and what they do.

1. Doesn't work.

2. Download button.

3. Makes me go the URL under their name.

4. tnd button

5. Nothing.

6. Exit one.


why would arabs kill each other for any reason they have pissrael trying to exterminate them at every turn already


Has to be a vpn


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xhe is without a hijab :(


1. is a download button


d*mnit i meant play!


Take your meds favela rat




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after the most gemmy, the most TND-Enacting, 'y saving potential of a WHITE palestinian child's portrait crumbling to the steps of a jewsraeli tank i get this prompt, wich i hope is the play button


>the ending is a poorly cgi made film of Israelis shooting everybody down


click the 1st button

4 minutes of a black screen with aramb rumblings

words i heard:

yahud, islam, nigger, amerimmut


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WAWWOW! i came back to the game after posting and this is what looks like to be a loading screen


>post this
>comes back
>it dissapears
>click second button
>its a prompt
> game crashes


i hate this game for two reasons

>its a pissraeli psyop

>it doesnt work

will try again later.

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