this means that jak & fap is no longer banned
Never let it be forgotten that it was a slav that put literal BLACKED ads on the site
slavs are lower than subhuman
Why are there wogs on here.
Ban the algeriniggers, braziniggers and chinkniggers
All mutts
>>49698you're the only mutt here
>>49701your entire history is about being muttified
>>49706says the amerimutt
>>49707says the shitskin muttgerian
kek the state of doll
what a nigger
>>49715That hand is brown, also the french are the real algerians, not arabs. Get the fuck out muslim loser lol
>>49713>>49714That was Max though
>>49715Algerians have literally been being conquered and muttified for over 2000 years
>>49718>>49721get over it, i'm less mixed and whiter than you
>>49720i see...
we don't know much about him doe
>>49695Maximov is a fake name retard
>>49756Did ya notice how the baby bot started flooding /soy/ with randomly generated images and words after the ads were added?
>>49810Glowies don't want any platforms where we can communicate with each other freely, that's why the sharty is crap flooded.
>>49715Your house seems too good for Algeria. Anyway how much niggers in your country? Do you have that BWC?
>>49725It was photoshopped so it could fit into the picture. The chuddie editor made it to small thoughie
>>50296They're a minority
Nah, it's medium-sized
>>50297We can tell !