hiçbir zaman beyaz olamayacaksın
it's not that great honestly, focus on your personality and skills, switching to a different race won't magically make you not a loser.
>>49827i WILL get eye color surgery i WILL get jawline surgery i WILL get limb lengthening surgery i WILL ger rhinoplasty i WILL dye my hair
>>49828Stop browsing looksmax autism dust and go outside, issa much better way to spend your time, you probably look totally fine for the average onlooker
>>49829i never browse those gay ass forums i just want to be white
>>49831no actually being brown sucks
>>49834i wish i were as white as xer
>>49814I wish I was in turkey
>>49837come to turkey our borders are open for everyone i want to leave this shithole
>>49838Nice, Im only worried about racism there.arab media always yells about,cmon guys my country didnt participate in that retarded revolution.
becoming white won't fix your country dumbass
>>49839racism exists in everywhere my man it won't be a problem in the future when turkey becomes majority arab thoughever
>>49840i don't care about this shithole being white would fix all my problems
>>49841what region are you from tho
>>49842central anatolia(unfortunately)
>>49843: ( .I heard the black sea region is the best
>>49844yeah and there are lots of arabs there racism is like nonexistent in black sea
>>49845maybe you should somehow get a "white" woman and make your son feel less shitty when he grows up. you can't save yourself but this is what you can do lol
>being white would fix all my problems
>>49847>maybe you should somehow get a "white" woman and make your son feel less shitty when he grows upyeah that's my ultimate plan
>>49849lol I remembered my friend had his sister marry a turk because turkish women don't know how to cook and not so subservient. so it must be that bad,huh
>>49852its not my fault im a turkroach
>>49856stockholm syndrome
>>49855you're such a nice goy, keep owning those evil chuds
>>49851LMAO yes t*rkish women don't know how to cook even a white woman is a better housewife than t*rks
>>49828>i WILL get eye color surgery i WILL get jawline surgery i WILL get limb lengthening surgery i WILL ger rhinoplasty i WILL dye my hairAll that will achieve is making you look like an uncanny mess, it's almost as bad as Koreans trying to be huwhite. Besides Turks are already kinda sorta white anyway since your ancestors raped and pillaged the Greeks for the LOLz, so just marry a white woman and your child will be like 85% white which is higher than some other European countries nowadays.
Drink water and exercise my dude.
>>49860do you guys even watch those shitty long ass TV series,it seems theyre made specifically for NAFRI women to consume
>>49867only 40+ roasties watch that those tv series are made for latin women
>>49865>so just marry a white womanfinding a white woman as a shitskin turkroach will be the hardest thing to do
>>49872White women love turkish bvlls at least where i'm from, many immigrants are slay hard believe it or not
>>49868who doesn't? (except the shitskin moroccan)
>>49900i am a shitskin too
>>49875shitskins in germany etc. are all incels unfortunately
>>49903fact checkers disagree with this one, turks and arabs do very well, better than the natives, only the autists are left behind and convert to inceldom
>>49875>>49907i doubt there are any shitskins at all in your country
why the fuck would someone leave Turkey to move to Moldova
might as well stay at home if you have to move to another third world country
>>49865even tho mymy looks great
>>49921issa proxy my nigga, there are millions of turks and araps in my cunt
The answer to all turks is SUICIDE!
wasnt turkey founded on the basis of de-arab-ing the turks to return to their roots as one of the white races?
>>50211i think he redeemed turkey's global image by disavowing it's ties to the ottoman empire
why are you not proud of being a proud black bvll
>>50430I sleep in jeans. Also, is she making mustard gas?
why don't you just celebrate some turk pride? be the next kaan ozdil or somefing
>>50511>I sleep in jeanskeyed
pajamas cucks get the rope
>>50599t*Rks have no pride
>>50602we're shitskins
>>50607recep tayyip erdoğanı götten sikem + oRROsbu anası tenzileyi mezarından kemiklerini çıkaram + tenzilenin kemiklerini 38de geberen yahudi PİÇinin mumyasına sokam+ yahudi PİÇinin mumyasınındaki bokla boklanan tenzilenin kemiğini t*RRRk bayrağına silem + ş*H-iT ömer halisdemirin mezarına gidem + ishalli bokumu bırakam + götümü kuranı sikerim le sileM geriLLalarım
>>50608vpneni kapat b*yaz köpek
>>50611allahı sikem
muhammede sokam
aliye sıçam
kuran yırtam
bayrağa attıram
kamalı domaltam
vay selanik piçi vay
>>50612>>50608umm ?? keresteye geri dön siktiğimin ÇUD u !
>>50691Understandable, to be fair though the Kurds only became commies out of necessity because the Soviets during the Cold War days were willing to kinda sorta acknowledge their existence sometimes and give them weapons sheeit to fight ebil capitalist Turkey or whatever but not for use against the Arab states of course, much like Vietnam in some ways when they just wanted to avoid being a French colony again or worse end up being fully conquered by Mainland China, of course China still annexed a part of Vietnam after America left anyway which you can imagine they're still bitter about, and oh the irony now we Americans are selling the Vietnamese weapons because we are afraid of China now, many such cases.
Granted for the Kurdish the commie larping never ended so they're genuine now especially when it comes to the PKK anyway, not that I pity their plight entirely given their response to everything they disagree with is a bomb but oh well.
>>50433Dirty wh*teoid hooknose
kys roach
>>50612you will hang, eur*pean kikedog
>>50734>so they only converted to communism for the sake of benefits and revangePretty much yeah, sure they aren't all commies but in certain provinces they do unironically live in communes now... Well technically communes doesn't always equal Communism/Marxism, sometimes they're formed by religious cults or as a last resort for desperate poor people or hippies even, other times they were created by European monarchies to win the favor of the peasant class. But in the case of the Kurds they're usually formed in the frame work of some flavor of socialism/communism/nationalist socialism or whatever where they grow olive tree's, drill for oil to sell to the Arabs when they aren't fighting them, and convert old Soviet LMG tank barrels into anti material rifles then slap a shitty Chinesium optici unto in order to shoot at Mad Max tier ISIS tanks or Turkish mercenary vehicles.
I don't exactly agree with them on a lot of things as a result of being a LoLbertarian and quite frankly I find their billion year old blood feud with the Armenians and Assyrians to be quite petty, but I do respect their resilience as a people and their ability to make do with very little, they certainly aren't pushovers to say the least.
Those are my thoughts on Kurds anyway, I can understand why 4Cuck /k/ommando's and redditors like them.
>>50608siktir git o boktan kereste sitene allah'ın stokholm sendromblu dingili
>>51812Allahin a sini buyuk yaz