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I love Christ.


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>i love christ even doe i stray from his teachings of turning the other cheek by seething at minorities and trannies


dont try to make turks look cool nigga


should I love trannies because I wouldn't.


Are turkroaches cool? Nope, they're immigrant fags.


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>i love christ


Demoralization coal.


your ancestors were immigrants too sweaty


source for that?


they probably came from the steppe if you are european


ok but what does that prove then


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>Demoralization coal


Democracies killed Christianity, albeit.


nothing i'm just saying we are all immigrants at some point or another


no one believes in anything anymore
humanity is faithless because of a materialistic worldview
they go to church and dont feel anything
you feel more powerful emotions from sex movies drugs and violence than you do praying to god or praising his name
christianity is dead
make a new religion



>shitskins having seizures at church though when they yell allah


then perish retard


uh ok







keep seething @theistCVCK


Keep saying that, I don't care.


why was this dust moved


Yes, but not the sin


tranny shitskin

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