>>50704that better be a man
>>50706my boner is gone and my disappointment is immeasurable
>>50735Me on the very left
>>50735someone jak the bottom right
Why is xe so white? :0 Did white skin really came from Caucasus?
>>50776>using heat death 'jak against a norwegiankeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
what a fail
picrel is a really bad example I think
you haven't seen me yet NIGGA
>>50794i'm tired of wh*te ass crackas assuming we're white nigga we need to genocide every wh*te dog NOW
>>50797i am talking about being attractive cuh
>>50785Turkroach fail, swede had a point
Imagine using heat death 'jak against me and EU flag&
Here is your future boy"wife" you stupid faggot
Only the White "turks" are attractive
>>50799Emojis don't work anymore thanks for the very much needed reddit change! &
>>50799that's a muslim in a westoid country, you cracka subhumans indoctrinate the vulnerable with your faggot tranny propaganda but it doesnt matter, the caliphate will soon rise and kill all you wh*te dogs
>>50815it literally doesn't though ottoMANs were really homosexual friendly
>>50820it's haram, and i don't care about that gay empire
>>50820even doe homosex is still haram
>>50735shaaat aaaaaap beeeeech
>>50773Nah, it's all because of several generations of inbreeding. At least the Habsburgs got really cool long chins out of it but Arabs/Turks/Pashtuns or whatever clearly need to stop this shit now as it's clearly not helping them evolutionary wise.