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/int/ - International

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delete germany


Twitter coalers think this video is the pinnacle of humor.


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no arrow you dumb faggot
are you telling us that you look like that and that you also say that?


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>Delete modern day Germany
>restore the Holy Roman Empire
Yes, I fully support this.


>not holy
>not roman
>not an empire


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Oh my a 4Cuck /his/ refugee, hello sista.


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>Oh my a 4Cuck /his/ refugee, hello sista.


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>>Oh my a 4Cuck /his/ refugee, hello sista.


i can confirm i look like that


stop disrespecting your heritage dumb redditer


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north turkey


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>delete germany


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are you talking about Italy?
you shouldn't speak ill of your ancestors Lombard/frank/ostrogoth/arab rapebaby


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20% bantu subhuman above me

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