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/int/ - International

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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>Be European
>Wake up
>Think about this ONE country


i dont think about Canada at all though.


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I only think about Estonia


where's alaska


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In merika




Where's Guam?


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>>Be European
>>Wake up
>>Think about this ONE country




dey do seriously be like dat doe


They hate us cuz they ain't us


actually all they think about now is russia


All I think about is morocco


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i think about bhutan


hello fellow europeans


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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our plugs are better we dont get shocked also we have 240V so we are better or however the chippy man smokes his fag


the post that btfo all amerimutts


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Okay, but where's the Hawaiian Islands?






you're overweight


I am 6 feet tall 180 lbs., all muscle


>all muscle
yeah, the food kind you fat fuck hahah


Yes protein from eating meat is the best way to build muscle thank you for noticing


post biceps then fatty boom boom


post hand. i know youre brown haha


USAGODS won btw


post those rolls first, fatboy


>post pics so I can grab the exif data and dox you
why are shitskins so easy to read?


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Post 'em nownownow


shes right



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