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Is it gay or bisexual to like muscular women, as a man?


no, as long as you're muscular too


a woman should never be able to outlift you


it depends, if they have a feminine face no
if they're the tomboy meme you should stop repressing your homosexuality


Kys Toggletroon




You’re a faggot


You're a straggot


you're a transggot


You're an aceggot


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>Is it gay or bisexual to like muscular women, as a man?
Neither, it's a means to producing superior offspring, do you want your sons and daughters to be weak genetic dead ends and serfs? I thought not, so breed with the Amazonians.

Your only bisexual if you if you like pussy and dick, no need to have some long ass philosophical 4channel debate about that.


low bodyfat is bad for pregnancy and vigorous exercise is likely to literally kill the baby


>is it gay to be attracted to women


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that 2nd one is so hot god damn


You aren't born with a 6pack you retarded nigger, also if she lifts while pregnant it fucks up the groin or something


Well obviously woman shouldn't be do intense exercises while in labor so why would it be a concern before hand? Less she does do that regardless of the risks then that strength upboost might come with the down side of a reduced IQ.


i was thinking this as well, surely should would be resting during this period.


>>Is it gay or bisexual to

who cares just be yourself


Not if they are natty.


Humans aren't like animals that stay at top physical shape by just eating food. We gain muscle through working out to a greater extent than animals because we start off skinny.

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