Romania is Moldova albeit
not after what they did
>>51603Probably most Poles confuse Romanians and Romani people.
Even my wise roommate who had broad interests in WW2 fell into it.
>>51613Also I don't get how some migrant group from Pakistan took similar name to the citizen of IMPERIVM ROMANVM
yes because both of our countries have gypsies
>>51613hard not to do that when every other romanian is a literal gypsy
>>51622fighting against muslims
>>51637Muslims are violent parasites who want to control Europe albeit
>>51568I don't know, what are they mostly known for?
>>51640Being poor shitskins
>>51639chirstians conducted countless genocides against the natives population of most of their colonies, you cant deny this
>>51651based turg0d
>>51639This bengali yid constantly goes on a Norway vpn to not get laughed at for being mind broken about islam