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/int/ - International

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Do you like Romania /int/?






Romania is Moldova albeit


not after what they did


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I do. It's sad to see its so underrated and seen solely as a gypsy paradise. I was on a concert in Warsaw and I believe it was a band called 10 years that told us they resigned playing in Romania cause they were scared of it or something


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Probably most Poles confuse Romanians and Romani people.
Even my wise roommate who had broad interests in WW2 fell into it.


Also I don't get how some migrant group from Pakistan took similar name to the citizen of IMPERIVM ROMANVM


What did we do?


yes because both of our countries have gypsies


hard not to do that when every other romanian is a literal gypsy


fighting against muslims


Muslims are violent parasites who want to control Europe albeit


I don't know, what are they mostly known for?


Being poor shitskins


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nordics pillaged and raided european civilizations thougheverbeit


I like serbia


chirstians conducted countless genocides against the natives population of most of their colonies, you cant deny this
based turg0d


I like Serbia too


This bengali yid constantly goes on a Norway vpn to not get laughed at for being mind broken about islam

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