visible frightened modern prickly improbable scaly lively reproachfully officiate applied project
equatorial guinea chads stay on top
are we experiencing african spring
TogoGODS will annihilate maliniggers
is it gonna be like the invasion of gambia all over again
i wonder why media didn't care about the recent sudan, mali, guinea, and burkina faso coups, but niger is a huge deal?
Thisll be fun to observe
holy shit look at nigeria
this.l just be a military exercise
yeah cool that niggers will go apeshit in their shitholes murdering 1488 gorillions of brother apes again like they did in rwanda but it will cause another gorillions of nigger war immigrants flooding Evropa
Who are you replying to?
Take only little boy refuges, raise them as BWC hungry sluts and by the age of 18 you will get your very own sex slave (or earlier but that's a secret)
We need to start shilling on Nairaland forums now it would be so gemmy to get Nigerian soyteens to start posting war footage on /soy/
>>51932gem lets import nigerian migrants to the sharty
Perfect time for ISWAP to make a move.
who cares
another nothingburger
The senate of nigeria refused to military intervene
i hope niger wins
death to the w*st
>>51913>just kidding i just hope they can all settle the conflict peacefullySame, I'm not a fan of needless wars either. Non the less I'm sure we'll get some /k/ino webms out of it if the war does go hot in Western Africa.
>>51919>Didn’t this happen during the Cold War tooNo, this is happening in Niger, not Nigeria.
>>51903TL;DR this is all because France and Russsia want control of the Uranium there hence the need to prop up a government that serves their interests…
Sure will be interesting seeing the French Foreign Legion and Wagner Group go toe to toe in a fight against each other though since neither of those forces are pushovers.
>>52495Wagner Brothers is in bunkrapcty already, doe. Haven't you read the news about Discovery? smh or something
>>51913Sorry chud but the Al Qaeda cells are superior
>>51903Here's hoping we get an ISIS takeover of the Sahel like they did with the middle east in the early 2010s.
If not well we'll at least get some nice footage and maybe a few cool stories.
>>52496>Wagner Brothers is in bunkrapcty already, doe. Haven't you read the news about Discovery? smh or somethingIs that a result of Russia nationalizing their shit before being exiled to Belarus or something? From what I heard they lost a ton of gold bars and foreign currencies.
>>52735>Here's hoping we get an ISIS takeover of the Sahel like they did with the middle east in the early 2010s.Even doe ISIS only ever controlled a few irrelevant patches of desert and a few urban centers that both the Americans and Russians decided to just carpet bomb rather than bother sending boots, and then lectured each other for several months on why bombing civilian centers is bad or whatever.
>>52735Me too, can't wait for them gopro videos, inshallah
>>52800ISIS was always a Mossad gayop IDK how you could say otherwise
>>52839That does look fake, even if it wasn’t I mean they can just bring out some chudcel they don’t like and kill him
>>52871A lot of gore feels fake and movie like. I guess that means movie guys do their jobs very well.
>>52948maybe you're retarded
>>52950Maybe you have your head so far up your ass you're imagining things.
Did it happen? Are we getting a NEW african civil war?
>>52957TBD total brit death
>brits le bad even doe they got dat bbc (big british cock)
>>51903This will be TNM (Total Nigger Migration) (Into your neighborhood)
>He hasn't figured out why these regions are constantly destabilized and the whole world labors to grow their grain so their birthrate is totally unsustainable №52978
>>52966british broadcasting