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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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Total Sandnigger Death


regal humble corrupt merrily macaroni cloth shoemaker rose stool institute plead


Gulf arabs deserve a holocaust




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these are gems
New countrywars just dropped



Name a christian country that has illegalized gay sex


>christian country that has illegalized gay sex


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Total Assadist death. Kill Shias, secularists, kuffars and their supporters.


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You are not white.


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also serbs are browner than turks


The Maltese islands are built for big British Cock


actually kuffar is already the plural of kafir, you don't need the s at the end


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>>>4271076 (You)
>also serbs are browner than turks


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turks are arabs


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Maltese win


Malta, Brazil, Argentina, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, UK, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, USA, Canada, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Luxembourg, Iceland, Chile, Uruguay, and South Africa


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what's your opinion on israel? oh wait you're probably a jew


No sir hes just a cuban


not a real country
you're literally just a San Marino tier meme country that's allowed to pretend to be independent by your italian overlords


OP here, i'm trans btw


I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite muslims


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yeah i'm thinking CHADslims mindbroke you>>52006


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>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


This so much this, fuck islam


Mohamed is a pedophile


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>>>52006 (You)
>yeah i'm thinking CHADslims mindbroke you>>52006


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>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


Ywnbaw shitskin


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>yeah i'm thinking CHADslims mindbroke you>>52006
Show flag


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>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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>>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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>>>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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>>>>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


Wignats really think one of the 12 imams is muhammad lel


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>>>>>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


shh let them drown in their own delusions like thinking that allah is a prophet


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>>>>>>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


Lol I do not give a fuck about details from your fairytales made by a desert schizo, turning a religion of peace into one of war and plunder.


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>>>52038 (You)
>>>>>>>>>>>>I hate muslims so much it's unreal the only good to come out of commie china is their genocide of the filthy parasite mus-ACK!


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you've only been able to insult islam by posting gay pornography and other degenerate images, is this how you combat islam? GEEGGGGGGGGG come back when you are able to actually handle banter


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Looks like a muslim got butthurt I depicted his prophet as a faggot and a pedophile


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>goys i totally btfod the mozzy i totally did!!!! BECAUSE I JUST DID, OK?
cope geg


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U sound mad bro, did you remember to take your meds frogtranny? Or are your medications not halal like marrying a 6 year old (PBUH)!


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meds and sproke now


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coping seething troonwegian btfo i win


>no flag

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