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A friend who moved to the US visited me today and left a couple stuff he brought from there. After he left i tried the chocolate (hershey brand) and it’s good up until the aftertaste hits, which tastes EXACTLY like actual literal vomit down to the slightest note. For a second i thought he got me vomit flavored chocolate as a prank before i googled “hershey chocolate tastes like vomit” and read that apparantly most chocolate in the US tastes like that because there’s some shit in it called butryic acid also found in vomit. Americans don’t think it tastes like vomit because they associate the taste with chocolate and call non mutts delusional for thinking that


I’ve stopped eating anything hersheys in high school. I remember when I used to tell anyone who thought it tasted good retarded. my mom used to buy european chocolate sometimes as a kid doe.


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>A friend who moved to the US visited me today and left a couple stuff he brought from there. After he left i tried the chocolate (hershey brand) and it’s good up until the aftertaste hits, which tastes EXACTLY like actual literal vomit down to the slightest note. For a second i thought he got me vomit flavored chocolate as a prank before i googled “hershey chocolate tastes like vomit” and read that apparantly most chocolate in the US tastes like that because there’s some shit in it called butryic acid also found in vomit. Americans don’t think it tastes like vomit because they associate the taste with chocolate and call non mutts delusional for thinking that


Did you realise it tasted of vomit though?


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Yeah mainstream chocolate brands here are overly sugary junk full of corn syrup and soy, your not missing out on anything honestly.
That's why I stick to organic artisan chocolates sourced with fair trade good ingredients, they're more expensive but won't make you wanna gag afterwords.


it reminds me of when i stayed dehydrated for days when i was in turkey, because i didn't like the bitter taste of their bottled water !


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i like this choccy


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Your a bitch if you don’t eat 90%+ dark chocolate


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i like black coffee and dark chocolate


>when i was in turkey
That’s where you went wrong



Visiting turkey = great mistake


It's not that bad


Yeah i was just joking. Were you being ironic when you said the water was bitter though


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Nope, I wasn't


There’s a whole bunch of different brands that taste different from each other, both those available nationwide and some lesser known brands available regionally. Which brand did you drink (or rather didn’t)? On a similar level i was in france when i could actually afford it in 2019 and there was a brand called evian that was the blandest brimstone i ever drank. Not bland enough to make me unable to drink it, but it was easily the worst bottled water i had ever drank


>Which brand did you drink (or rather didn’t)?
I don't remember, I have the memory of a goldfish


The reason why it tastes like vomit is because they used spoiled milk back in the late 1800s and early 1900s to save on costs. Turns out Americans liked it so they use butyric acid to make it taste like shit. I kind of like it TBH but I don't eat a lot of chocolates so I wouldn't know what is or isn't good.


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>OH MY SCIENCE!!! FULLY ORGANIC, FAIR-TRADE INGRIDEINTS!!!!!!!!!!! SOUNDS SO HECKING AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>I don't remember, I have the memory of a goldfish
This is what kuz warned us about in that one essay he made after his aids got worse (it should be on the history page in the wiki)
Do you think the chocolate tastes like vomit, or do you think vomit tastes like chocolate?


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Chocolate tastes like vomit, the initial taste is pleasant but a disgusting sour aftertaste. Vomit is just sour all the way though.

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