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/int/ - International

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No NAS weekends are here to stay. NAS replies are permitted but discouraged. Use /qa/ for sfw NAS and /nate/ for nsfw NAS.

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board is turning into /soy/ but with flags


I'll fix it, give me two more weeks


how tho? killing touhoufags?


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this board is SORELY lacking in touhouposters, rangeban iran NOW!


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We need a massive rangeban on countrycoal slapfight immigrants that came from 4cuck redd/int/, /pol/ or the booru, they take everything seriously and are generally way too unfunny, do this or the /comfy/ board will never survive.


ban morocco



good because flags gives some substitute of namefagging


also im trans


>board is turning into /soy/ but with fags


looks like you're being too serious mr moroccan


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>rangeban iran NOW!
Don't be a meanie chuddy.


this board will be improved with jak flags


silence servant


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