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New toss


Siberians are NOT blonde, MEDS NOW


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>70% have all black hair


this is why i would be embarrassed if i were brown


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this is incorrect…. America is WAY too light, all of it is 100% black hair that's a fact


Even doe snoopes says that’s a lienuke


no arrow


I have never met a single American with hair that is not black, in fact ive never met one with skin that isnt black either


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'c0rd thread


Because Niggers would stand out wherever you’d live.


Ive visited america, its not just niggers but 100% everyone is swarthy there not a single person has lighter hair than black hair, its pretty much because every american has like hispanic ancestry or something


Where did you visit. In the country side you’ll see more whites with lighter features. If you visited ny then you just saw a bunch of Wops and Spics with some Micks.



>inigger saves a thumbnail


Where I live there’s a lot of Spics, Mudslimes, Pajeets, And South east Europeans but a lot of the “American” residence have light hair (Brown, Blond, Ginger, etc)


even in the country side theyre swarthy, all the workers in the fields are 100% spics or quadroons or something like that, and yeah the cities are definitely vantablack niggers. I think america falsely advertises it's country or something


Kill yourself obsessed faggot


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>obsessed even though its true and not a single american has any european dna whatsoever



Nnussoycucks killed this shithole with their pedo faggotry, self inserting, janny worship and much more.

i sincerely hope everyone on this website kills themselves and their parents find theri bodies and either laugh or they are traumatised so much that they kill themselves
i eish death on every fucking loser who uses this website.you will never be qa and you ran this fucking shit hole into the ground and carvbed a glorified discord server out of it (when youre not making cord servers yourselves)

what has came out of this website? what memes can you call your own? all of them are dogshit but youve killed them all beecause of your inane cooooooord paranoia

zellig, cado, babyjaks, smugjak, soylita, touhou, trannynamefags, bocchi, pepe, cobson, dancing jews, alien quoting, froge, fruitjaks, gigachad, amerimutt, dilbert, omgsisa, soy lingo, troonjaks, making fun of 4cuck, soot and many more were memes that have been stolen, were unfunny, ran into the ground because you cant let memes die or came from discord (least likely, mind, not every tranny that has a cord account wants to waste their short, miserable lfe here, but a soycvchk will, but it wont be short)
this wbesite has created nothing original that was actually funny.
the funniest thing thatll ever come from here is the inevitable soysissy suicide livestream.

as for da cooooooooooooord, they raped this site long ago and left, just like the orginal and the best part of the userbase.
also the jarty is just a slow, dead amd shit website where nusoycvcks go to complain and larp as oldfags.

kill yourselves, genuinely. you are a waste of space, every single one of you.


What were you doing there thoughever. I’m not from the south so I can’t say much but you’ll rarely see a white man doing that work.


traveling on the road, going to a bunch of different states to see the country. Wouldnt recommend it since its full of these brownoids though, theres no where to really stop and rest since theres tons of crime and homeless people everywhere. Only saving grace is that sometimes the environment is pretty :)


Nigger you have to be making shit up. You drove across America and didn’t see anyone that was blond? Do you consider brown hair swarthy?


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Tell me what did this poster do


why you blot out name when they deserve to get doxxed and raped


stg theyre not white. theyre like hispanics 100%, the lightest in america are like chicanos and def have hair darker than brown. everyone else is some sort of like mulatto americmutt. ANYONE who looked white that I happened to run into were also just visiting america and not from there


even doe they are


What states did you drive though. I think southerners tend to have more native dna (1-10%) then northerners and that’s the sunny weather with shit load of UV makes them “swarthy”


the nothern and southern states, also the northwestern states and southwestern ones too and the west coast. South is absolutely like at least 95% nigger tho from all the slaves, especially with immigration they are nigger


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ok nigga you baited me good


when you go there one day youll know im right, everytime and american is posting just know that theyre lying and theyre probably some sort of darkskinned gusano or some shit




stealth racebait pic but BBC stays winning btw


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Oh no no no… leaker sisters… what's this?!?!


of course it's incorrect, it's literally a map made by a mentally ill autist on kohlchan years ago based on what he "felt" the data was like lmao


calm down shitalian there's no need to have an inferiority complex about your skin color, just accept it


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no need to dilate about it lmao


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>no need to dilate about it lmao


brown terrone


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20% bantu
17% native american
100% subhuman
0% white


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or however the fajitas are cooked yeah


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>i sincerely hope everyone on this website kills themselves and their parents find theri bodies and either laugh or they are traumatised so much that they kill themselves
Does that include you?


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>20% bantu
>17% native american
>100% subhuman
>0% white

>or however the fajitas are cooked yeah



Vgh… the BLACK horde spreads north…


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