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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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Which level are you on?






all jewish coal


Is tranime and vidya music shmuzac or are they a level below even that?


please tell me you didn't make this and it's a /mu/ copy-paste troll

why do so many hold the opinion that pleasant sounding jewish MUSIC (right) is inferior to 100 hour long experimental shit where the listener pretends to enjoy a single bass note repeated over a barely audible cut up and reverbed midi of circus music?


>gusic is entry level pseud shit


It's /mu/ bait


I'm on the locked one and I will not tell you what they are


I listen from things from all of them. Either way, reddit musicfag coal


>falling for 4cuck bait


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>i've never heard to any of the albums mentioned


gez on the far left


>falling for my bait bait


>kusique good even doe is locked


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I don't listen to music


>falling for my bait bait bait


Holy keyed


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I don't recognize any of these albums. Songs released post 1900 are not music.


holy fucking bait


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2000s and 2010s songs like ke$ha tiktok and taio cruz dynamite


>the doors is better than weezer's blue album
<THAT BOY ATE MORE CHICKEN THAT I EVER SEEN *cia mkultra mindcontrol guitar solo*


Fun fact: it’s called “Gusic” because of the peak Gusic artist, Gezebelle Gaburgably, whom was also the first Gusic tier music artist. In her honor, they added a new tier of quality to music, and using the letter of both her initials, created a new standard for quality music, so good it can’t be gatekept by virgins on /mu/


listening to music is low iq


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Being low iq isn't that bad.
It doesn't matter.




this kusique shit looks locked ngl


>album covers
>no words to tell you WTF they're called though
>assumes you just know because.... Because of course everyone is part of my super secret club


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all haram


do sandniggers really


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I actually recognize none, not even kidding
actually hang on the red screaming man one and the triangle with rainbows were made by george floyd or something, I listened to it once and it was utter shit


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gezebelle gaburgably level
Recommended IQ: 180+


im trans btw


i love big black cock and am a 4chan janny if that matters


>Abbey Road is 'muzak'
>Captain Fucking Beefheart is 'gusic'

Obvious troll post, and yes, I did respond to your bait.


projecting hard


I love Big White Cock and am a soyjak.party moderator byw




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i have fish man album on vinyl
(i look like this btw)


id recommend the king crimson album (red screaming man) its alright


whatever level this shit is


mostly accurate, but YESUS II is kusique


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I am a certified /mu/ oldtroon and I've circled the albums that I've both listened to and enjoyed. Eclectic taste is enjoying things from every category, or else you become a RYM tryhard.

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