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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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TV chads OWN this board. music troons gtfo


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>entire mediums of art are troon because... BECAUSE THEY JUST ARE OK????


its because every person in the music threads sound like troons


is he right doe??


>tv good even doe new tv shows suck nowadays
>tv good even doe the only thing worth watching are seinfeld, iasip, early trailer park boys and the chosen


those shows suck you obviously arent in the authority to talk about tv


You are unbelievably retarded and should kill yourself soon if not immediately, FUCK YOU.


music is better than video games
tv is better than music
movies are better than tv
books are better than movies


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I’m on season 4 or something of tpb when does it start getting bad


it doesn't necessarily get bad but it's just not as good. probably around season 7 or so.



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